alternate ending: I'm sorry I hurt you

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A June 21st special. -author

Langa skated to Reki's house. He'd barely slept the night before, worry was eating away at him, breaking him down so he felt consistently close to tears.

He checked his watch as he got closer. 7:00am, 06/21. He figured if he could get out of the house a little earlier than planned today, the better. He needed to make sure Reki was okay, he had a terrible feeling about all this. He hadn't gotten a response all night. No replies on any platform. Not text, not DM, not call, he even tried email and got nothing.

When he got there, he saw no car in the driveway. He went up to the house, grabbing the spare key from under the doormat, not wanting to make a ruckus. No more being scared.

He went inside and went straight to Reki's bedroom. He pushed his way in, finding the room eerily clean. He saw a note on the bed and his heart sank.

"No no no no REKI?" He called out. He grabbed the note and scanned it, looking for information on where he was, tears blurred his vision and made it hard to read. He wiped them away as he found the word bathroom.

He went over, finding the door locked. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his shaking body.

"Reki!" He yelled as he slammed his shoulder into the door and broke the lock. He opened the door and was hit with the sour stench of vomit, strong and unwavering. He found Reki laying on the floor at his feet. He looked like he had fallen there, collapsed back from somewhere.

Langa fell to one knee, extremely calm for the situation, "Reki?" He asked, he could see him breathing. He could feel his heart beating weakly in his chest. Reki was still alive. Langa wasn't about to loose another loved one. He wasn't going to gawk. He wasn't going to let himself realize what was happening.

He called 911.

He told them fast. As fast as you can. Fast because Reki's lips where blue, his clothes were soiled in vomit, his eyes were slits, barely open. His skin was unnaturally pale, almost gray. His heart was barely beating and his breathing was a strong wheeze.

Fast because he was almost dead.

Langa heald Reki in his arms, offering comforting words while the paramedics got there. He could feel Reki shaking in his arms. He watched as his boyfriend took a wheezing breath and a sputtering cough. He blinked slowly, his mouth hanging open.

"C'mon baby stay awake. I love you you can't go." Langa said, tears in his eyes. He squeezed Reki's hand. He wouldn't let go. Never again.

He let out a hidden cry when Reki gave the weakest squeeze back. He could feel every emotion from the dying boy, every word he couldn't physically say.

He said I'm sorry I hurt you. He said I love you. He said I'll never leave you again.

He said help me.

He heard sirens outside, Langa was beginning to panic, he was barely holding back violent sobs. He was terrified, all rationality left was fleeting as the weight of the situation bore down on him. The 911 operator was trying to keep him calm.

Langa carried Reki out to the ambulance. He was shaking so hard at the point, he could barely hold Reki up. He handed them off to the paramedics, feeling Reki's hand hesitate to leave his.

A young female police officer came over to comfort him. He sobbed loudly. He cried so hard he thought he might choke on his own tears. For some reason he found comfort crying into her shoulder, almost scared for his mom to come and see how distraught he was. All of this felt like his fault.

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