1: Oka and Mcdonalds

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tw for abuse and smoking,

I did this instead of study for my geography test that I have tommorow that I know none of the content for and have 40 term Quizlet for so. Also it's 3000+ words so enjoy it


1 year later...

It had been just under a year, Reki had opened back up quite a bit and started skating again. His parents had fought more recently and they had yelled all night. He was exhausted, emotionally and physically.

He was listening to a lecture with his head down on his desk when he heard the door open. The teacher paused and began to talk about something else.

"Ah yes! I forgot to mention that we are welcoming a new student, introduce yourself!" The teacher said enthusiastically.

"Hello. My name is Langa Hasegawa, I'm Canadian, but also half Japanese. I was born in Japan and moved back from Canada this year." The boy said. Reki lifted his head a bit, the boy had blue hair that fell around ear length. He was pretty.

"Ah yes you can sit by Reki." The teacher said, pointing to the exhausted red haired boy. Reki put his head back down and raised his hand up. He just wanted to sleep, he needed to cut down on the cigarettes.

The blue haired boy made his way to the back and sat down. They said nothing to eachother for the whole class. Langa couldn't help but notice the bandages wrapping one of the red haired boy's hands or the bandaids on his knees. He could see dried blood cracked around his knuckles.

Class ended and the red haired boy didn't get up. Everyone was starting to leave. Langa reached out to shake him awake, but someone from across the classroom stopped him.

"DONT TOUCH HIM OR YOU MIGHT CATCH THE GAY" Laughter ascended to the ceiling of the classroom, the words bounced off the walls and rang in Langa's ears.

"Being gay isn't something you can catch." He said and shook Reki a bit, "class is over. Wake up." Reki stirred, lifting up his head and pushing away his greasy red hair. He groaned and leaned back over a pounding headache engulphing his senses.

"What's wrong?" Langa asked, clearly concerned. "Just a headache." Reki said tiredly, "thanks for waking me up." He slowly got up and grabbed his bag. He wouldn't say it but he was about to pass out. He tried to remember the last time he drank water or ate something.

He wobbled, leaning against the wall for a moment, blatantly unaware that Langa was still standing right there, ready to catch him if he fell over.

Reki stood up and walked out the door, ignoring the fact that the edges of his vision blurry. Langa meant to ask his name, but he walked off too fast. He felt strangely drawn to the boy. He thought Reki was pretty.

Langa was silent as he went to his locker to grab some things, it was there he saw Reki again. He stared as he grabbed a skateboard out of his locker and hopped on, skating through the crowd like a total badass, flipping off anyone who protested.

Langa was wide eyed. He was gonna find him again if it was the last thing he did.

Reki skated off the campus, no one chasing him for skating where he wasn't supposed to this time. He lit a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth as he skated to the skate park. Today was just not his day.

Anger and sadness powered him as he threw away the butt of his cigarette into the grass and pushed off onto the smooth cement. He dropped into a bowl, picking up speed before gaining air on the other side. He ignored the fact that his pounding headache was drowning out all of his senses.

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