This chapter contains swearing and racist remarks! You've been warned!
I was still very unsure about what had happened between Ashstar, Dickstar, and I. Dickstar still believed I was mating with her, but as much as I denied, his theory just strengthened. Dickstar winked at me from where he laid, and gestured with his front paw near his junk to imply that I was banging her. I rolled my eyes.Since Fuckface had passed away due to her overdose, I had taken the duty to be deputy until Dickstar appointed a new one. No one but me agreed with the decision. "I want Bigbooty, Mousebrain, Shithead, and Rudepaw to go to the WeneedmedicalhelpClan-" I announced, but I was cut short before I could get into any real detail.
"You're not the deputy, cracker," Racistattitudepaw growled, "Unless Fuckface comes back, no ones gonna listen to your shitty, annoying voice anytime soon."
I narrowed my eyes the arrogant she-cat. "What, do you want me to bring her carcass back here or something?" I snarled, flicking my tail. "She's dead and Dickstar over there still needs to make a new deputy!" Dickstar - with his eyes closed - lashed his tail in the air and purred, "Rodger that, captain."
How irresponsible of him. Sooner or later, I will be the leader and I'll lead this Clan to a healthier lifestyle. "Well bring her fucking dead body back here then! Maybe we can use her dead body and get someone to be a ventriloquist?" Rudepaw suggested sarcastically with a twitch of her ear. "She can be our whore ragdoll!"
"Whether Dickstar says it or not, I'm the new deputy. Now listen up and go on your patrols. We need to feed the Clan and protect the borders!" The warriors groaned and rolled their eyes but they did stand up. Bigbooty, Mousebrain, Shithead, and Rudepaw headed out without any further comments.
"Foxdung, take Screwydooeydo and Lilbitchpaw out hunting. Littleshit, take Racistattitudepaw out to train him. Both hunting and fighting." I ordered. "I'M A FREE MAN!! NO MENTOR, BITCHES!" Lilbitchpaw yowled, hopping out of the camp with his tail high. "FUCK YEAH, AMERICAAAA!" Is "America" another Clan or...?
Screwydooeydo and Foxdung hurried out after the apprentice. Littleshit and Racistattitudepaw left the camp. "Stupid albino cracker." The brown she-cat growled, following Littleshit's paws. "Hurry up, shorty!" She snarled.
"I'm going out with Blindeye to IdontgiveashitClan's border. We'll be hunting and-" I announced, but just before I could finish, Womencantvotetalon finished for me.
"Shut up!" Womencantvotetalon yelled, staggering over with his skinny legs shaking. My ears went back and I lashed my tail. I didn't say anything. "She-cats can't fucking vote, you stupid kit-shitter!" I shook my head while rolling my eyes and grabbed Blindeye from where she laid. "RAPE! RAAAPPPPEEE!!!" She yowled as I dragged her out of the camp.
"Don't be banging that whore too hard, now." Dickstar called after us. I couldn't tell if had been referring to Ashstar or Blindeye, but whichever it was, I wasn't planning on banging either of them.
Sorry if it's too short! I couldn't figure out how else to end it.
P_A83 out!
When Shit Went Down (Warrior Cat FanFic)
FanfictionThe territories are ruled by the stupidest cats ever, cats such as: Dickstar of AssClan, Mydealercutmeoffstar of StonerClan, Ashstar of IdontgiveashitClan, Titsmcgeestar of WhoreClan, OCDstar of WeneedmedicalhelpClan, and Doyoumindstar of SassyClan...