Chapter 4 - Cloudfeather's POV

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I opened my eyes, vividly remembering the confrontation with StarClan. So, StarClan is real? I sat up, expecting to see Brightheart snuggled up next to me, but instead there were few warriors that I didn't quite recognize. I then remembered Bluestar saying I - and other warriors - were being reincarnated into another place. Does StarClan exist here or did they leave the others and I to fend for ourselves? If they do exist here, boy will they ever hear how angry I am that I couldn't say good-bye to Brightheart and my kin!

I got up fully and arched my back and clawed at the ground in a long, refreshing stretch. I hurried out of the den, eager to speak to the other warriors I knew. Maybe they'll know these cats more?

As soon as my eyes laid on the different colored cats, my brain automatically named them. It was as if my soul was with ThunderClan but my head was with this Clan.

I fought the urge to purr at the names as I went through them.

Firefart and Mousebrain were sharing tongues, the she-cats' stomach swelled and her face bright. Mousebrain purred and nuzzled her. I scanned the camp and noticed Littleshit leaving Bigbooty to go to what I assumed was the medicine den. Bigbooty is your sibling as well as Littleshit. A voice said in my head.

As a deep voice rang through the camp, bouncing strongly off of the rock in the middle of the clearing, I nearly jumped out of my skin in fear.

"You! All of DickClan, I command you to come to me to hear the days' patrols!" A brown tom yowled on top of the rock pile in the center of the clearing. DickClan? I cocked my head to the side and narrowed my eyes up at the brown leader, Dickstar.

Murmurs of confusion erupted immediately. As the commotion rises, I watched a cat stumble forward, bump into the rock pile, fall, and then lay there and watch the leader. Blindeye. Good thing they named her a reasonable name. "Dickstar, DickClan doesn't exist. We're from AssClan you worthless fox-heart!" Rudepaw snarled. My eyes widened and I glared at the young apprentice. I know where he gets his name, too.

Do these cats let amateurs talk to their leader like that? I learned they didn't, because the Clan went into madness. Shithead pushed the apprentice down and yelled at him, "That is your leader! Don't speak to him like that or you'll be cleaning out the elders den for two moons!" Blindeye - being mellow - nodded to the apprentice in approval, a smirk on her face. "Don't teach him that it's okay to be rude!" Rudepaw's mentor fretted.

"Where do you think he got his name?" The mellow she-cat purred. Shithead rolled his eyes and shoved the apprentice away from the encouraging half-blind she-cat. Dickstar didn't seem offended or even in reality. Eyes fixed ahead, he stared off into space while the Clan was in chaos.

Fuckface didn't seem to care, she just stood there with a look of disgust at the ground. Suddenly, as cats yowled and fought, Fuckface threw up. Concerned, I ran over to her side and asked if she was okay. She didn't answer because she threw up more blood and her past meal.

By then, the Clan was silent, curious murmurs wavering ever so slightly. Faceface finally came out to see what was going on once the yelling calmed suddenly.

Without saying a word, the medicine cat dragged the she-cat into the den. Foam bubbled at the deputys mouth and I swallowed. Is she dying? I wondered.

Dickstar hopped down from the rock pile and padded in beside Bigbooty. "She most likely won't make it. StonerClan has been giving her herbs for prey that Faceface hadn't even heard of." Bigbooty gave the leader a horrified glance. Bigbooty then hurried over to me and murmured, "Did you hear that?" I nodded but didn't say anything.

The Clan separated and in heartbeats no one seemed to care that their deputy was in a serious condition. Sighing, I took it upon myself to see what Faceface was going to say about the deputy. I stood up and squeezed into the bramble medicine den, letting my eyes adjust to the dim light before going in fully.

"She's not doing well. Whatever Weedsmoke is giving her, it's caused her to overdose," The brown medicine cat shook her head, her eyes filled with worry. "I'm afraid AssClan is going to be without a deputy. I tried to get her to puke it up but whatever she has eaten; it is not meant for cats to consume and no cat will be aloud to speak to StonerClan again."

I nodded to her and glanced down at the deputy. Her ginger pelt was dull and uncleaned. Her ribs were jutting out, horribly noticeable. I dipped my head to Faceface and squeezed back out of the den.

Why am I here? I narrowed my eyes in confusion. I raked my brain for my mates name, my old Clans name, the Clan that sent me here's' name... but I couldn't put my paw on it. I knew one thing, and that thing was I was told to fix this Clan. I'd become deputy once Fuckface died and I'd help this Clan become normal.

Once this Clan is fixed, I will go back home to my mate. Don't worry, my mate, I'll be home soon.

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