Chapter 5 - Training

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Today was relatively peaceful. It was Saturday in the early afternoon, it was a bit cloudy but still pretty bright and the wind created a light breeze that would make for the perfect afternoon nap. [y/n] thought this day would have been great if it weren't for the fact that he was fighting for his life against flying sentient knives in his own backyard.

"Come on [y/n]! Plus Ultra!" the man in a red tracksuit who was none other than his own dad screamed to motivate him.

Plus Ultra my ass, the boy thought before dodging the knife that was trying to stab his face. The two had been at it for only an hour but the boy felt like every muscle in his body had been overworked to the point of exhaustion. It wasn't that [y/n] easily got tired, he actually prided himself on his stamina, speed, and reflexes due to his training that his dad made him do since he was five. It's just that since the U.A test was half a year away, his dad decided to up the intensity of the training.

6 more months left until he took the test that would basically decide his own future. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, unlike a certain hot-headed blonde. Speaking of the blonde, he was another reason why his training got more intense. Usually the schedule would be a training session with his dad then training with Katsuki if he felt like it, however, the blonde said that he wanted to train on his own for awhile and didn't want the boy to get in his way. As much as it did piss [y/n] off, the boy knew what he meant, their training styles were completely different from one another so training with each other wouldn't be as beneficial. While Katsuki's fighting style focused on power and would rather take the opponent head on, [y/n]'s fighting style was more on the defensive side and usually involved waiting for the perfect moment to strike. If it were a video game, it was like comparing a warrior to an assassin.

[y/n] kept dodging the two flying knives and parrying with his own weapon, a 23" rapier with a light blue hilt. Sure he used other weapons depending on what the situation called for, but the rapier matched his style of fighting a lot better. It was lighter than most weapons, easy to swing, and most importantly, it was fast.

Sidestep. Parry. Sidestep. Parry. This pattern went on for around 5 more minutes until the knives stopped in mid air and went back to their owner.

"I think that's enough trading for today," Keiji said then smiled which prompted a glare from the sweaty boy who was heavily breathing with his hands on his knees.

"You're reflexes are improving a lot, but you're too passive on the battlefield," the man noted.

The boy pouted at his comment, "It's hard to fight an opponent who's not there, what do you want me to do? Attack you?"

Keiji closed his eyes and stroked his imaginary beard, "Well that's true... hard to fight an opponent who's not there," the man sighed, "it's a shame that your sparring partner has his own training... Oh well, that means more training for us ey?"

The boy stared at his father with mixed emotions. Sure he was thankful for his training but at this rate he wasn't even sure he'd be alive by the time the entrance test came.

"If I find someone to train with, you think you could ease up on the sparring sessions?" the boy said with a smile hoping his dad would take pity.

His father smiled back at the boy, "Sure! Just make sure you come back home on time, and if you ever need more training," the man pointed at himself with his thumb, "I'll be here."

The boy gave his dad a one sided smile, and looked at the sky. "It's still pretty bright, I'll go for a walk to cool down," the boy signed.

The retired pro hero gave him a thumbs up while twirling one of his knives in the other hand. The boy then went in his house to dry off and change into a new shirt before grabbing his sketchbook and phone and going out of the house.

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