Chapter 23 - Suits and Shirts

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Takeru [y/n] @UltimateSketch • 11:56 AM
rate my fit *Photo of [y/n] taking a mirror shot wearing a three piece white suit while holding his coat by the collar, slung over his shoulder.*

We got London on the track 🏃🏻‍♀️ @onlitherealest
Replying to @UltimateSketch
Wait stop your not allowed to be hot 🥵

Mode's number 1 fan @ChunkyBoi
Replying to @UltimateSketch
Sir you dropped this 👑

Aoyama Yuga✨ @Twinkletackle
Replying to @UltimateSketch
No choice but to ✨stan✨

Takeru [y/n] @UltimateSketch
Replying to @Twinkletackle
i don't know how you found this account but thanks for the support bestie 😤


[y/n] looked up from his phone to see that they were approaching their stop, a government building. If he remembered correctly, Fourth Kind was also a civil servant for the government and the reason for this meeting was apparently he wanted advice for what to wear to a... something. He wasn't really listening to what Emiko said, he just knew that the man needed a new fit and he had to dress formal.

Once the car came to a stop [y/n] immediately got off his side and opened the door on the other side for Mode to exit the car revealing her outfit for today. A black smock dress that reached up to her knees complemented with a scaled leather shrug and knee high boots.

"You have the sketches?" Mode asked while holding out her hand as [y/n] gave her his clipboard that contained around 10 sketches of various suits tailored for the pro hero they were visiting. The woman flipped through the pages before handing the clipboard back to the boy and walking towards the building to which [y/n] followed.

The office building was pretty much your plain old gray walls and tinted windows except decorated with yellow and black construction stripes on the exterior. The two walked in as [y/n] and Mode were directed to the office of the pro-hero by a man in a suit.

Eventually, the two were in front of a commercial metal door which [y/n] knocked on. The two waited for awhile before the door opened revealing an a clean office with a desk at the end of the room. The walls were decorated with paper lanterns and posters with writing on them. In the middle of the room were couches facing each other with a small table in between as Fourth Kind sat on one and behind him was... Eijiro? Right. Eijiro was interning here.

"Mode." Fourth Kind stood up and bowed at the pro-hero with his two sets of arms behind his back and invited her into the room to sit on the couch opposite to him. Mode walked in as [y/n] followed as he made eye contact with the boy who opened the door.

Tetsutetsu immediately hitched his breath as the brunette gave him a small smile and walked over and stood behind the couch that Mode was sitting on. The grey-haired boy immediately followed taking his place beside Eijiro behind Fourth Kind.

"Thank you for meeting with me today," Fourth Kind said then proceeded to look at [y/n] which prompted the boy to bow.

"Yes Darling, I'm also glad to see you. Emiko already filled me in on the details. You need an outfit for an upcoming event, yes?"

"That's right. The city is opening a new park in a nearby neighborhood and apparently there's going to be a reception afterwards," the man said while sighing.

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