Chapter 20 - Friendship (?)

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What. The. Fuck. [y/n] maybe expecting a calm day to take a break since he still kinda felt like shit after the sports festival. He was expecting to stay at home, play video games, maybe hangout with Katsuki since it was the last day of his two day break.

What he wasn't expecting was to be having lunch with his dad in the home of the number two pro hero while he was staring at [y/n] who was just trying to eat his food.

The brunette was just scrolling on his phone texting about his plans with Katsuki in the late afternoon when his dad suddenly barged in the room.

"Get dressed, we have lunch in an hour."

The boy furrowed his eyebrows and looked at phone to see the time, "I have to leave at 3 though."

"That's fine, we'll just be there for an hour or two."

The boy got up from his bed and stretched, "Where we going? And what's with the sudden plan?"

His father stared at him with a blank expression while pursing his lips, "The Todorokis invited us over for lunch."

The boy looked to his side to see his dad nonchalantly sipping tea while ignoring the predicament the boy was in. He didn't really wanna look forward since that would mean making eye contact with the man of the household. This was definitely not good for his health... but then again the boy slept at 2 am and consumed media like it was popcorn, so he wasn't one to preach.

"So... Enji." The pro hero turned his attention on to the UA Teacher. "I'm very thankful for the invitation... although I'm not sure why we were invited in the first place."

"There's something I would like to discuss with you, if you don't mind."

[y/n] began racking up the possible things Endeavor could have wanted with his father but before he could overthink the situation away, the sliding opened revealing a familiar red-white-haired boy on the other side.

"Ah! Todoroki-kun, glad to see you," Keiji said with a smile which prompted the boy to bow to his teacher. Keiji looked at his son, "Why don't you and Todoroki-kun catch up with each other while me and Endeavor talk? That's ok, right Enji?"

Endeavor stared at [y/n] before humming in agreement. The brunette looked at his father with a blank expression and looked at the pro hero who was staring at him. He then got up and bowed to the two before heading to where Todoroki was and exiting the room.

Once the boy slid the door closed, he immediately let out a breath and sighed in relief before realizing there was someone staring at him. Todoroki and [y/n] stared at each other not knowing what to say... or sign is his case.

"Oh, what are you two doing?"

The two broke their staring contest to look at a woman with white hair speckled with small crimson patches wearing glasses. What's her name again... Fuyumi?

Fuyumi turned to her brother, "Why don't you take Takeru-kun up to your room? I'll bring up some snacks for you two."

[y/n] looked at his classmate who was currently struggling to think of what to do. He always seemed cold during class but was it because he was just... awkward?

The brunette decided to take matters into his own hands so he grabbed Todoroki's hand and tugged it while giving him a small smile. Fuyumi seemed happy at the action and pushed the duo towards his room so they could do... something. Once the two went in his room they just stood there not knowing what to do. Honestly, [y/n] wasn't thinking this plan through since he usually relied on the other person getting the ball rolling.

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