Chapter 13 - Declaration

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The next morning the boy was discharged as he was brought home with his parents along with Katsuki, who apparently slept in the hospital with him still in his uniform. [y/n]'s condition got better overall. His head wasn't throbbing and he managed to walk on his own easily. Honestly, all [y/n] wanted to do was take a hot shower and maybe pass out a bit more or draw. He wasn't expecting to eat cheesecake and Chinese takeout for breakfast but it kinda gave him some energy at least.

When the boys got home, Katsuki went to his house to take a shower and change while [y/n] went in his own house to do the same. Once he finished showering, he went over to his room to pick out something comfy to wear, so he picked out a tank top and some jogging shorts with an oversized black hoodie to top the look off. Based on the size and color, it was probably Katsuki's. The boy then picked up his usual sketchbook and went downstairs to see his mother in the living room on her laptop. The boy looked around and noticed someone missing from their household, "Where's dad?"

"U.A Meeting, something about security in the school," his mom said and looked at her son. "Heading over to Katsuki's?" The boy nodded at the response.

"No training alright? The doctor said take it easy for a while."

The boy gave his mother a thumbs up before walking out the door and over to his neighbor's. It was a pretty nice day out... maybe if he was lucky, Katsuki would say yes to a walk instead of making him rest. The boy went in front of the familiar house and knocked at the door like the hundred times he's done so in the past and was met with a young looking woman.

The boy greeted the woman with a smile to which to the woman smiled back and automatically brought in the boy for a hug. "You're alive!"

The kid was a bit confused at why the woman pointed that out but nonetheless accepted the hug. The woman let the kid go and stepped to the side to let him in to which the boy bowed and did so. "Your mom messaged me last night about Katsuki staying over and I got kinda worried heh. Anyway, how is she? I heard she's staying in Japan for a while."

The boy nodded at the woman agreeing with what she said, "She's at home right now." Mitsuki Bakugo was similar to her son both in terms of looks and personality. He got along with Katsuki pretty well which is probably why he got along with her also. She was pretty overwhelming at times but otherwise she loved the kid for dealing with her problem child ever since they were four.

The woman hummed at what [y/n] signed, "Maybe I should visit then. We haven't had coffee in awhile." The woman thought for a bit before turning back her attention on the boy in front of her, "Well, Katsuki is still taking a shower, so you can go up to his room and wait there."

[y/n] gave her a smile and bowed before navigating his way to Katsuki's room. Once he got in front of the door he knocked a few times just to make sure no one was inside and went in. Katsuki wasn't in the room, so the boy put his sketchbook on the nearby table and lied down on the bed while grabbing a pillow to hug. The moment his head hit the pillow on the bed, his eyes suddenly became a bit heavier. Oh well, Katsuki wouldn't mind if he took a nap on his bed, right? The boy put on his hood, got comfy and proceeded to pass out while still clinging to the pillow.

Katsuki got out of the shower and dried himself off to change into his clothes. He wasn't really expecting to pass out at the hospital, nor wake up cuddling with his best friend while his parents were eating cake at 7am in the morning. Once he was done, he put the towel around his neck and went to his room planning to do... something. He wasn't really sure was he was gonna do today to be honest. Training? Nah, he wasn't really in the mood. Video games? Was there anything to play? Maybe [y/n] wanted to do something? No, he had to rest.

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