Chapter 6

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Niall's POV*

I woke up with Abby in my arms.

We must have fallen asleep during the movie.

I am so happy. Last night turned out great.

I really like her. She is so funny, beautiful, kind, she the perfect girl for me.

I might be over reacting. But I hope not.

I kiss her forehead. "Morning bub." He eyes start to open.

She cracks a smile and sits up. "Morning Niall."

I smile at her morning voice. So calm.

"What time is it?!" She starts to panic.

Goodbye calm voice.

"10:30 why?" Her eyes grow wide.

"I only got 1 hour to get going to the tour!" Oh crap.. Her tour. I forgot.

What about our date?!

"It's alright love. I'll help you get ready." My smile starts to fade as we walk up the stairs.

I'm going to go with her. "Hey Abby when is your tour done?" She starts shoving clothes into her bag.

"Um July 12th why?" That's so far away. I can't go that long without seeing her.

"Awe. I won't see you for at long? What about our date?" I hope she knows where I'm going with this.

"You can come along Ni." She giggles. Yes! Score.

I hope the boys don't mind. I hope they like her.

"You sure? Is it alright with your tour manager?" I ask but I'm still not sure if it's okay with mine.

She nods. "He always loves new talent. Even though you're not really new. He'll love you!" I wipe my head.

What a relief. "I gotta get packing then!!"


I walk into my room and call all he boys on skype.

They all pick up.

Me: "Hey guys.."

All of them: "Niall? What happened?"

I laugh.

Me: "Nothing! I just got a quick question."

Louis: "Well ask it bro! We don't have all day!"

Me: "Do you guys mind if I go on tour with someone? Like go on her tour?"

Zayn: "Lad you just said her. You finally got a girl! Get some!"

Harry: "Is she with you right now? We have to meet her!"

I hear a knock on my door.

Me: "that's her. Please don't mess this up guys!"

I walk over to the door and she walks in with a smile on her face.

The boys all stare.

Louis: "hey love! What's your pretty little name?"

Abby jumps. "Who was that? Oh my gosh it's the famous Louis Tommo!"

Louis gasps. "How'd you know?"

Abby giggles. "I'm Abby. But call me abs."

All the boys yell "Hi abs!!"

Liam: "Hello Abby. I'm the "Father" of the group apparently. As you probably know. You got yourself a keeper." Liam surprised me with his response.

Louis: "Does she eat carrots Niall? Cause-"

"Doncaster boy you better shuddup before I fly over there and take all your carrots!" I yell back.

"Niall we really have to get going.." Abby wispers.

"I will see you later lads! Text me!!"

I end the Skype call.

"Louis is really something!" I laugh at her joke. She has a big challenge ahead..

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora