Chapter 5

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Abby's POV*

We walk into the spare bedroom and its huge.

This is the spare bedroom?!

Oh my fricken..

"You okay? Looks like you have seen a ghost or something."

"This bedroom is bigger than my bedroom!"

Niall chuckles.

"Well love, my mom tries to impress the guests."

Oh. Does Niall have girls over all the time?

"I'll let you get all your stuff ready. If you want we could watch a movie down stairs?"

I nod and he walks out.

Is this really happening? Am I really in Niall horan's house?

Stop Abby. He probably doesn't even like you.

I just got to settle down before I scare him away..

I got to be careful..

Don't want another relationship like jack...


I put away all my stuff and get dressed into fluffy pj pants, a t-shirt, and I put my hair up into a messy bun.

I walk down stairs and see Niall trying to reach the popcorn.

"Um ni.." I hold up a stool. "You know you could use one of these right?" I laugh and I can tell he's embarrassed.

Awe. He's just so-

"Okay thanks abs."

I walk over to the living room and look at the movies sprawled out.

"Niall do you have any Disney movies?" I hear him chuckle.

All he has is Disney movies.

Niall walks over and looks at me.

"Why are you starring at me?" I ask him.

"You're just so beautiful. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?" Yes. Jake..

"Niall you're so sweet." I feel myself blushing..

Niall starts leaning in when the microwave goes off. Niall screams like a little girl.

"Scarred much Ni?" I laugh and go over to the microwave. There is popcorn everywhere.

"Niall I thought you could cook." He giggles. So cute.

"I can! I just never make popcorn.." He scratches his head.

My mouth drops open. He has never made popcorn?

"Oh Niall. I have something to teach you."


Niall and I decide to watch Cinderella. He wasn't very sure of it but I wanted to watch it.

It's at the part were Cinderella is running, running for her life because the spell is about to wear out.

She runs down the stairs as her slipper comes off.

The prince.. Like Niall. He runs after her.

Love at first sight.. Just like me and- stop Abby.

"You know what Abby? I'm glad you chose his movie." I smile at him.

"Why?" I know.

"Because it reminds me.." Oh never mind.

Niall holds out a black box that has my name on it.

"Abby I know we just met but when I saw you're YouTube videos and channel I knew you are the girl. You made me smile. After my Father died I had an empty hole in my heart. And now it's filled. It would make me the happiest man alive if you agreed to go on a date with me." He opens up the box and its a heart locket.

My mouth drops open. "Niall.. I don't know what to say. It's beautiful. And you have no idea how much I like you. Yes of course." I wrap my arms around him and he hugs back.

He opens up he locket after the long, warm hug. And it has a picture of him in it.

"Thank you so much Niall. You're amazing." That's when my whole life changed..

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora