Chapter 3: Amazing

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Niall's POV*

Right now I'm in Westport.

I told her I would meet her at Starbucks so that's where I am now.

I saw a couple of girls walk through the door but none of them were her.

She won't notice me until I take of my "mask".

I see a blonde haired girl walk through and I immediately know it's her.

"Abby..?" I walk up to her. She doesn't notice me until I take off the mask.

"Niall! Hi I'm Abby! Love your work." She shyly smiles.

Gosh she's so cute.

I let her order then she comes and sits by me.

"So tell me about yourself." I smile and she starts to talk.

"Well as you know my name is Abby.. Uh I actually live in a small town in London now. I love sports and I sometimes volunteer for animal shelters and homeless shelters.. Stuff like that."

Wow. Amazing.

"You're a busy girl then." She chuckles.

"How do you come up with all your challenges?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Well sometimes they just pop into my head and I just do them. As you said before I'm busy but I always make time for my fans."

She is so sweet and perfect.

Abby's POV*

Nialls laugh is amazing.

I catch him staring at me and I give him a weird look.

"Why are you staring at me?" He snaps out of it and I giggle.

"Oh.. Sorry you're just so.. Beautiful." I blush.

Does he really think that?

Does he like me?

"Really?" I ask without thinking.

He nods and I blush at that fact.

To be honest I might be falling for him.

But I don't want what happened last year..

"Thank you.. You're not to bad yourself."

"NIALL HORAN?! NIALL!!" I hear a bunch of people say.

"Oh shit. Run!" He takes me hand and runs me out the emergency exit.

He takes me to his car and drives us away.

"I guess my disguise wasn't so good was it?" I shake my head no.

"I'm sorry." He continues.

"Why? That was awesome!" He laughs.

We start driving and he finally asks, "Where you want to go?"

I'm shocked. Well maybe it's just to take me to a hotel or something.

"Oh just take me to the nearest hotel.."

My face gets red. I can feel it.

"You sure? Want to just come to my place?" I only live 10 minutes away but he doesn't know that.

I smirk. "Oh yeah sure."


(At Nialls moms house)

"This is so beautiful Niall." I point to a picture on his moms fridge.

It's of him in like first grade? I don't know.

He laughs and his face goes red.

"Niall honey? Who's this?"

And I'm guessing that's his mom.

Let me tell you they look just alike. She is absolutely gorgeous.

"Oh mom this is Abby. She's a YouTuber and she is visiting Ireland. Mind if I have her over?"

His mom just stares at us. "Oh yes!Of course! Make your self at home Hun!"

I laugh and Niall takes me up to what is apparently his old room.

"So.. This is my child hood room. Ahh the good times."

I look around and see a picture of him and the rest of One direction.

"Is this when you guys first auditioned?"

He nods. "Yep. We just all clicked! Then Simon put us into a group and that's how everything started."

I know. Who doesn't? Ha!

"Cool! Uhm do you have a bathroom by any chance?"

He chuckles. "No we pee in a bucket. Ha. It right down the hallway to the left."

I walk to the bathroom and right away text my friend.

She will freak out. She is a huge Directioner.

'Carly! I'm at Niall Horan's old house!'

I wait for a while then get a text back.


I decide to just call her.

"Carly you wouldn't believe it. Niall told me he would like to get to know me better cause he sees my videos right? So I drive over and he calls me beautiful and he's so ugh. I can't. I'm at his house and his mom is so nice and he's not even pushy like.. Well you know. What do I do?"

"Stay calm. Just don't embarrass yourself! Want me to come out there?"

"Yes. but not today. I'm good for now."

"Okay! Text me if you need me! Love ya!"

"Love you too!"

I hang up and walk out.

I go back into Nialls room and he's playing the guitar singing.

His voice is like an Angels.

"That's beautiful Niall."

He turns around red faced.

"Oh Abby! How long have you been there?" I chuckle.

"I just got here but that was amazing. Did you right that yourself?"

I walk over and sit by him.

"Yeah.. I wrote it for someo-"

He pauses.

For someone?! Who? Is he taken?

Is this all a joke?

"It's just something I wrote I guess."


Who do you guys think he wrote the song for?

It's obvious!

Comment below!

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora