Chapter 7

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Abby's POV*

"So.. Wheres the next stop?" Niall asks as we drive back.

"Well it's actually in Paris. my absolute favorite place in the world.. I miss that place."

I reply and notice that he is tapping his feet and biting his lip..

"Niall are you okay?"

Uh oh..

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just worried about how the fans will react because I don't want you to get hate whenever we hangout.."

"Awe Ni. I don't care about that stuff. I'm just happy I'm with you." I peck Nialls cheek as a smile appears on his face.

"That's good to hear.. But are you sure?" Well..

"Yeah..I never cared." Lie. I don't care about the hate but what I'm lying about is what happened a while ago.

I always use to get hate from people at school.

I would cut. I would hurt myself and I would even try to kill myself.

But then Jack came along. He was so sweet at first.. Stopped the hate.

Then he starts smoking.. It didn't phase me at first but then he starts coming to school all angry.

He would always beat me.. That's when I got the nerve to break up with him.

Nothing will ever hurt me ever again.. But I'm still scared about niall..

I trust him but-

"Abs? Love? You okay?" He caught me in my thoughts.

I nod my head. It's so boring in this car oh my gosh.

"Can I turn the radio on Niall? Pretty please?" Niall laughs and I click the on button.

Right away my favorite song comes on. I'm surprised because we are in Ireland but okay.

"Club going up! On a Tuesday!" Niall screams.

It's so funny with his Irish accent but still so cute.
*at the airport*

"Baby we're here." I was awaken by Niall carrying me into the airport.

I see a lot of flashing lights and camera clicks.

I bet I look like a wreck but I don't care cause Niall's right by me.

"Niall what about our bags?"

"Paul has them." I look back and sure enough there's Paul with our 4 bags struggling.

I mouth a "Thank you" and he nods.

I really like my new life..

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora