Chapter 12

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Abby's POV*

"Jack, where are you taking me? And why?" he slaps my face and its hurts real bad.

"Shut the fuck up. You're such a ugly bitch no one likes you anyways. Just be quiet hoe."

A tear falls from my eye but I tell myself to stop. Abby. Youre stronger.

Shit! I forgot I had my phone on me!

Since I'm in the back seat I take it out but hide it.

I was going to text Niall but I don't have his number. Shit!

I text Carly.

'Carly! I don't know where he's taking me. I will keep you updated. I'm fine I guess but I think he's going to hurt me.'

I click send and it makes a swoosh sound. Uh oh.

"What the fuck was that?! Do you have a phone you poor bitch?" He looks back as we pull into a parking lot.

"No, I don't know what it was." I lie. I put it back into my pocket and he pulls me out.

"Come on fat bitch, you got a show to do." He has a smirk on his face..

Nialls POV*

So Carly driving and she gets a text.

She says I can open it.. ITS FROM ABBY.

"CARLY!! ITS FROM ABBY SHES IN TROUBLE!" Carly slams on the breaks and takes the phone.

Her eyes grow wide and we are both almost crying tears rn..

"That was 5 Minutes ago.. What do you think happened? Carly we have to find her."

Her phone vibrates again and it's from her again.

'Hello bitch Carly. Guess who it is? Jack. If you want your little ugly ass friend back, she's doing a show at Whitw Fang Night Club. Come and see if you want. £200,000 for her.'

"He's making her do a show?! What the fuck?!"

He's making her a prostitute! But!

"Let's go.."

She speeds up.. This is going to be a long day..


We get to the night club. Finally. and we walk up to the door.

"Names please." The big scary man says.

"Uhm Carly and Niall." The guy smiles and pushes us in.

I don't see her yet but there is poles and guys watching girls strip and dance on them.

Music starts and I see a tall blond haired girl get pushed out on stage.

"Abby.." I run up by the stage and she sees me but she says nothing.

Another big scary guy comes out and ties her hands up and feet down.

Then a guy in about his 20's comes out and takes off her shirt and skirt.. Leaving her in her bra and panties.

Everyone cheers but I stand there still. A year runs from her cheek but the guy slaps it away.

She lets out a little scream and I jump.

"Let her go! She doesn't want to be your little prostitute."

The guy turns around and looks straight at me. "Shut up. And who are you? Oh is it the gay fucker Neil Horn."

"It's Niall. Horan." Abby yells but the guy kicks her in the stomach.

"Shut up ugly arse."

"You here? You want her back? Well then pay up the £200,000 or see her suffer."

I nod my head. "I'll give you the £200,000."

"Okay.. Maybe I lied about the suffering part. She deserved it for being so ugly. You can have her back after."

"No!! Don't you dare."

Carly tells me that the cops and Sam are coming. I nod and continue.

"What are you going to do to her?"

He laughs and brings out a knife. He cuts both arms and legs and her boobs. She screams and he laughs.

"Shut up." Next he takes out.. What looks like a dildo and- oh my gosh.


What do you guys think is going to happen? HAHAHA cliff hanger!

ily all.
-abs xx

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora