Chapter 10

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Niall's POV*

Abby's off with her friends so I decided to go out and explore.

I walk down the street and see a perfect restaurant. There's a whole bunch of different flowers in the windows and it has a cute tea shop theme.

That's the place. I walk in there and ask if I can talk to the manager.

The girl at the front notices who I am and takes me to his office.

"So! Za famous Niall Horan showz up randomly! Whaz up Niall?" Oh fancy people aren't always fancy.

"I'm here to ask for something. I need to make a very special date venue." He nods and tells me to follow him.

We walk into a smallish room with boxes. "In these boxes you have za decorations, you can zet up the restaurant however you want, don't brake anything, or it will cost you more."

He walks out of the room and I search through the boxes. I find roses, a huge picture of the Eiffel Tower, table cloths, and cool chairs.

I think I could put the picture of the Eiffel Tower over there.. The roses in vases and petals on the floor.. And the chair would be beautiful.

What about music?? I walk over to the guy..

"Do you know a musician that-" I was cut off by Carly running in.

"Niall!!! It's Abby.. She's.."


Haha cliff hanger ;)
It's so short I'm sorry lol
-abs💭💦 ig: @horanftlouis

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora