Chapter 1/Intro

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Abby's POV*

I click the post button and my video starts loading.

Oh. I'm Abby by the way.

I have a YouTube channel and I have almost 1 million subscribers on it. (Not really)

I usually post challenges.. Nothing big.

The only thing people don't know is.. I have a passion for singing..

Well I have stage fright so yeah.. Not performing any time soon.

Anyways.. The video is loaded right now and I already have about 100 likes..

I go on snapchat and post a picture saying, 'My new YouTube video is up! Go check it out?'

I post that and find a friend added me..

I can not believe who it is..

Niall Horan..

I add him back and snapchat him.

'Hi Niall.. Umm.. Why?!' I send it to him and get a message back right away.

'I know your YouTube channel.. Who doesn't? And I wanted to get to know you more..'

Oh boy.. He wasn't to get to know me? More??

I send, 'Okay.. You're in Ireland rn right?'

He send back a simple yes and I smile.

'Good, in case you didn't know I'm here on tour.. Want to meet up?'


Sorry this chapter was really short! I was just making like an intro and trying to do a cliff hanger! ;) Anyways follow me on Instagram if you don't already!

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora