Chapter 15

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Abby's POV*

It's been a long 20 minutes but we are finally there.

I want to tell them about my fear of heights and roller coasters.

I hope Niall does it for me.. I-

"Let's go on the Skyscraper first!!" Louis yells and runs into the line..

I nudge Niall and he jumps up.

"Uhm.. Louis Abby and I are going to stay back.. She's kinda afraid of heights and that stuff." I see Louis' smile fade and that makes me sad.

"Awe. Well we will go eat after this, yeah?" I nod and Niall and I walk over to a bench.

"Thanks Ni." I rest my head on his shoulder as he rests his on my head.

"Of course love." He kisses my head ever so softly.

We hear a scream from the machine and we jump up.

It's Louis. "Whooooo." We laugh until Louis walks over here.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Louis asks confused.

"Louis- You're. Scream." He frowns.

"It wasn't that funny!" He crosses his arms and we stand up.

"Let's go eat Louis." Shit! Liam!

"Oh." I hear Liam say and I turn around.

I run and embrace him in a hug.

"Sorry Li! You're just so quiet! Cmon, let's go eat."

Me and Niall walk hand in hand to the nearest food stand.

"Ooh! They have tacos?" That's weird.. But okay!

"Yeah! What country doesn't?" Niall laughs along with Louis and Liam.

"Sorry I'm an American girl! I just thought they only had them in America and Mexico!" I put out my lower lip and Niall rubs my back.

"She'll take the taco." Niall smiles proudly.

"I can order for myself! I'll take the supreme taco." I smile to myself. Nialls smile fades.

The boys order and we go sit down with my food.

"Abby you've got a little something love." Niall reaches forward and kisses me instead.

"Smooth Horan." Louis slaps him on the back.


Niall's POV*

Once we are done eating we decide to go to the souvenir shop.

I see a big bear animal and I know I have to get it for Abby.

I tell Liam to distract her so I can buy it and put it into a- Wait.

If I'm carrying a big bag she'll wonder..

"Liam, can you say you're getting this for Sophia? Then give it back to me at the hotel?" Liam nods and pays for it.

I pay him back and we walk out.

When we walk back to the car we are greeting by about 100 fans.


"Babe, stay close." I pull Abby to my side and hold her.

Abby's POV*

These fans a crazy. Crazier than before.

I feel a couple slaps, but not big.

When we get to the car I feel something on my lip.

"Awe you're lips bleeding." Niall grabs a napkin and wipes it.

"Thanks Ni. Those fans are crazy."

Niall laughs.

I see him take out his phone.

He goes on Twitter. I decide to go on my Twitter.

I got a lot of notifications but I notice one.

Would you guys please keep your hands off my girlfriend? Thank you.'

"Thanks Niall." This day wasn't that bad..


Sorry this chapter kinda sucked but it'll get better!

Their first fight should be soon. ;)

-abs xx💓

Maybe Famous Isn't So Bad{ Niall Horan Fanfic }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora