2- Phils Pov/Dans Pov

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"Your part of my soul, your heart is my goal" the sweet sound of the guitar filled the living room, as I closed my eyes singing 'I love you too much' as I couldn't sleep and this song reminds me of Dan. I stop strumming the cords when my attention was drawn to Joce "Jocie, why aren't you asleep?" She stood frozen on the spot, cuddling the bear. Her red locks falling in her face "I miss daddy..." my heart breaks silently and I pat the couch urging her to come sit next to me. She does so and rests her head on my shoulder "can you play the guitar?" I nod, picking it back up and resting it on my knee "any requests?" She, again, thinks for a moment tapping her finger on her chin which is a thing she always does when thinking, Dan thinks it's cute "Coco!" I knew what she meant and I tried remembering the words, it's her favourite Disney movie and I know her favourite song and the one she wanted "remember me, though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don't let it make you cry" she swayed her head smiling calmly, holding her bear close to her chest. I smiled at her and strummed the cords "for even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing this secret song to you each night we are apart" I was about to sing the next lyric when the computer dings and Joce races to go get it, quickly pressing the answer button and beamed making me laugh "daddy!" I laugh at her and take the computer, putting it on the coffee table so he can see both of us "hey Joce! Why aren't you in bed?" I smirk at him and turn to her, tapping the guitar "I couldn't sleep, I missed you daddy" before Dan could answer she jumped up and shook me nervously "did you send the video and picture?!" I laugh at her telling her she'll break the guitar if she keeps shaking me "yes, I'm sure your daddy got them" I decided to put the guitar down so it definitely didn't get broken and calm Jocie down by sitting her on my lap "daddy did you get them? Pappie was amazing! Did you see? Did you see?" Me and Dan laugh in unison at our daughter and Dan held his phone up, playing the video smiling at me "I did, and you and your papa look so wonderful in the picture" I giggle at Dan and smile at Joce who's smile had faded making me concerned "hey, what's wrong baby?" I turn to Dan who also has the face of concern painted on his face "I want daddy to come back" tears started rolling down her cheeks and I hug her tightly, looking at Dan who looks heartbroken "hey, Jocie. I'll be with you soon, I promise"

I hate being away from my family, they're everything to me. It honestly broke my heart when I saw my girl cry in Phil's arm's, I noticed she was holding mr bear so that's a sign she's really missing me "your daddy will be back soon, love. I miss him too" I nod as Phil says that, wanting to be there so I can hug my family. Joce continues to cry and I then have the idea that would distract her "hey Phil! Maybe you could sing a song?" He caught on to what I was suggesting and picked up the guitar one handed, asking Jocie if he should continue the song he was singing before I called in which she nodded. He managed to play the guitar one handed and started singing 'remember me' from her favourite Disney movie. It's also Phil's favourite, I remember going to see it with him in the cinema and he cried at the end "remember me, though I have to travel far. Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar" I smile at the couple singing and I'm transported down memory lane to the day Phil wouldn't stop singing that song all day, we came out of the cinema and all the way home he kept humming or singing that song. I'm not a singer, god no! But sometimes when he would have a panic attack I'd sing him that song, it's no wonder it's Jocie's fav movie. Phil sang until Joce fell asleep and sadly, that was my cue to go. We blew each other kisses and I switch off the computer. We only had a limited time to call loved ones. I lie down on the bed and stare at the picture of my family, Phil's handsome face and Jocie's cute smile "your husband and kids seem nice" I smile to one of the soldiers, nodding "you knucklehead, there's no way he has a husband!" I told myself to ignore him and pay attention to the picture. I wasn't going to get anywhere as the soldier next to me started talking to me "ignore him, Dan. He's a dick. Could you tell me about your family?"

I nodded, putting my phone down and turning to him "my husband's name is Phil and he's a singer, you probably know him and my daughter is Jocelyn, we adopted her a few years back" I waited for the reaction I or Phil usually get when we mention he's famous "your husband is Phil Howell?!" I snap my fingers, winking and sarcastically saying 'bingo!' I put my hands behind my back and rest my head on them, looking up at the ceiling "I'm determined to stay alive, for him and Jocie. There's no way I'm leaving them" and it's true. I knew when going into this war that it'd be dangerous, but I won't leave my family. I need them and they need me. My husband and daughter are too precious to me "how long have you been married?" I think for a moment, actually forgetting how long it's been "well we met in 2009 and have been dating since 2010 and we got married in 2015 so I'd say....6 years" his eyes widen and he smiles at me "damn, 6 years? Your a lucky guy, mate!" I know I am, I'm the luckiest man in the world. Nobody could compare to Phil, couldn't even try. Nobody is better and nobody can replace him

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