Season 1 Episode 1 - A Team

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Abigail is sitting on the couch in her house watching television when a heavily pregnant Sandra enters the living room and looks to Abigail and asks "Where's your Brother?" Abigail shrugs her shoulders and says "I dont know, how would I know?" San...

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Abigail is sitting on the couch in her house watching television when a heavily pregnant Sandra enters the living room and looks to Abigail and asks "Where's your Brother?" Abigail shrugs her shoulders and says "I dont know, how would I know?" Sandra says "Well since you both are joined at the hip, I thought you would have known" and Abigail rolls her eyes. When suddenly Aaron stumbles into the house drunk and Sandra and Abigail both look to each other as Aaron staggers into the living room and Sandra asks "Where have you been?!" Aaron groans "Don't start Sandra alright" and Abigail stands up and says "Are you drunk?" Aaron chuckles and says "Guilty". Sandra shouts "Right that's it Aaron up to your room now!" Abigail glares at Sandra and says "Don't talk to him like that! You're not our Mum!" Sandra shouts "Thats enough out of you Abigail!" Aaron stands in front of Abigail and says "Leave her alone!" Sandra says "Oh you just wait till Gordon hears about this! You're pathetic getting blind drunk!" and Aaron slaps Sandra across the face and Sandra's head jerks to the side and Abigail gasps in horror. Aaron runs off upstairs.

Aaron is pacing up and down in hid bedroom and Abigail barges into his bedroom and Aaron says "I'm so sorry" Abigail looks to her older Brother and to the half packed bag and Abigail asks "Whats this? What's with the bag?" Aaron says "I can't stay...

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Aaron is pacing up and down in hid bedroom and Abigail barges into his bedroom and Aaron says "I'm so sorry" Abigail looks to her older Brother and to the half packed bag and Abigail asks "Whats this? What's with the bag?" Aaron says "I can't stay here any longer, I'm going" and a moment later Abigail says "I'll come too" Aaron looks taken back to Abigail and asks "What?" Abigail says "We're a team, I'm coming with you. Wherever you go, I go" and Aaron asks "You sure?'' and Abigail nods and says "I'm sure Aar" and Aaron smiles through teary eyes and Abigail says "I better go pack a bag then" and Aaron nods and says "Okay Sis, hurry before Dad comes home" and Abigail nods and rushes off to her bedroom.

 Wherever you go, I go" and Aaron asks "You sure?'' and Abigail nods and says "I'm sure Aar" and Aaron smiles through teary eyes and Abigail says "I better go pack a bag then" and Aaron nods and says "Okay Sis, hurry before Dad comes home" and Abi...

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Abigail and Aaron are walking through the dark empty street as Abigail says "I'm hungry" and Aaron reaches into his pockets and takes out three pound change and deeply sighs. Aaron says "Let's go to that cafe" and Abigail says "With what? We have no money" and Aaron smiles at his Younger Sister and says "Just trust me alright, I'll get you something to eat" and Abigail asks "Why, what are you gonna do?" Aaron says "Look Abz, you're hungry, I'm hungry this is the only way to eat" and Abigail nods and says "Okay fine, I trust you Aar" and Aaron nods and says "Good, now let's go eat Sis" and Aaron and Abigail walk to the quiet cafe.

As Abigail and Aaron still ran away from home, Gordon calls Chas.
Aaron gets into trouble with the police.
Abigail asks her friend Scott for money.

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