Season 1 Episode 12 - Still My Brother

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Aaron and Abigail fought over their opinions of Christopher.
Christopher arrived at The Dingles.
Aidan clashed with Cain.

The next day Abigail and Christopher are laying in bed and Christopher strokes Abigail's cheek and says more to himself than his Girlfriend "So Beautiful" and Abigail smiles and says "You're such a charmer Chris" and they both chuckle

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The next day Abigail and Christopher are laying in bed and Christopher strokes Abigail's cheek and says more to himself than his Girlfriend "So Beautiful" and Abigail smiles and says "You're such a charmer Chris" and they both chuckle. A moment later Christopher looks to Abigail and he asks "You're not still worried about Aaron are ya?" Abigail sits up in bed and says "He's still my Brother, of course I care what he thinks. I just wish you and him would get along cause it's starting to grind me down Babe" and Christopher kisses Abigail's bare knee and says as he looks up at Abigail "I'll have a word with him, that's all I can promise right now Babe" and Abigail nods and says "I love you" and Christopher grins "I love you right back Gorgeous" and Abigail leans down and they both passionately kiss.

 I just wish you and him would get along cause it's starting to grind me down Babe" and Christopher kisses Abigail's bare knee and says as he looks up at Abigail "I'll have a word with him, that's all I can promise right now Babe" and Abigail nods...

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Aaron walks through the village to see a car slowly drive past him and the car stops. Aaron stops walking and the car door opens and Gordon walks out of the car and Aaron's face drops.

Abigail and Christopher walks into The Woolpack to see Chas behind the bar and she grins to the lovebirds "Hiya Love, What can I get you both?" Abigail says "Two colas" and Chas nods

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Abigail and Christopher walks into The Woolpack to see Chas behind the bar and she grins to the lovebirds "Hiya Love, What can I get you both?" Abigail says "Two colas" and Chas nods. Holly walks out of the pubs ladies toilet and grins as she sees Abigail. Holly makes her way over to Abigail and Christopher "Hey Abi, who's this?" Abigail smiles to Holly and says "Alright Holly, this is my Boyfriend Christopher" and Christopher smiles "Hiya".

Aaron looks to Gordon in shock "What are you doing here?" Gordon says "Don't worry I'm not here for you, Where's Abi?" Aaron scoffs in disbelief and says "I ain't telling ya, stay away from her" and Gordon says "She's my Daughter, I know you're th...

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Aaron looks to Gordon in shock "What are you doing here?" Gordon says "Don't worry I'm not here for you, Where's Abi?" Aaron scoffs in disbelief and says "I ain't telling ya, stay away from her" and Gordon says "She's my Daughter, I know you're the reason she ran away. I want to see her" and Aaron says "Stay away from her or else I'll tell her the truth" and Gordon asks "What truth? She wouldn't believe you anyhow, I'm not leaving this village without speaking to her first" and Gordon gets back into his car and glares to Aaron and drives off leaving a shocked Aaron.

Aaron walks past The Woolpack to see Christopher sitting outside and smoking a cigarette

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Aaron walks past The Woolpack to see Christopher sitting outside and smoking a cigarette. Christopher stands up and approaches Aaron and says "Can we talk?" Aaron deeply sighs as he rolls his eyes and asks "What do ya want?" Christopher says "Look I know we will never be best mates or anything like that, but I love Abi, I mean I really do no matter what you think but you gotta give me a break. She hates us at each other's throats it's no good for her so what do ya say we try to be civil? For Abi's sake?" Aaron glares to Christopher and says "If I find out you've hurt her in anyway I'll kill ya am I clear?" Christopher nods and says "Crystal" and Aaron says "I've got my eye on you" and Christopher nods.

Abigail is joyful.
Gordon makes a proposal for Abigail.
Chas grows concerned for Abigail.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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