Season 1 Episode 5 - Leaving Us

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Abigail agreed to go home with Chas and Aaron.
Chas apologised to Abigail for her past mistakes.
Chrissy warned Abigail to be careful of Chas.

Chas walks into Wishing Well Cottage and Aaron and Abigail follow Chas as Zak and Lisa are sitting on the couch

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Chas walks into Wishing Well Cottage and Aaron and Abigail follow Chas as Zak and Lisa are sitting on the couch. Chas smiles at her Uncle and Zak stands up and asks "Ey up, whats this then?" Chas looks back to her Children and says "Uncle Zak, you remember Abigail and Aaron?" Zak's face falls and asks "These are your kids?" Chas nods and asks "They need a place to stay". Aaron avoids Zak's stare and Lisa says "Of course they can stay Love" and Chas grins and says "Great, Thanks Lisa". Chas looks back to Aaron and Abigail and says "Right Aaron, Abi this is my Uncle Zak and his Wife Lisa" Abigail smiles and says "Hi its nice to meet you both" Lisa and Zak warmly smiles at Abigail. Zak grins and says "I can't believe how big you both have gotten" and Aaron snaps "Well that's all Chas' fault for leaving us!" and he storms off and Abigail sheepishly smiles at her Family.

Aaron angrily walks through Emmerdale village when he bumps into a young man around his age

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Aaron angrily walks through Emmerdale village when he bumps into a young man around his age.  Aaron says "Watch it!" The man says "It was your fault, you bumped into me" and Aaron glares to the man and says "You might wanna watch what comes outta your mouth" and the man looks taken back and says "Whatever man" and Aaron marches off.

Abigail walks downstairs when Chas is sitting at the table in Wishing Well Cottage and Abigail smiles at Chas

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Abigail walks downstairs when Chas is sitting at the table in Wishing Well Cottage and Abigail smiles at Chas. Chas grins and asks "Hey, how you settling in?" Abigail shrugs her shoulders and says "Yeah it's gonna take time Mum" and Chas says "Yeah I know that, Abi I know I'm gonna have to prove it to you and Aaron but I am sorry for what I done" and Abigail folds her arms across her chest and says "Dad never told us why you left. Why did you leave?" Chas looks down to her hands and says "Things were complicated back there, your Dad and me were going through a rough patch and going through a very messy divorce and we were always at each others throats, I didn't want you both to see that, and he was better off financially so I decided to leave you both with Gordon, but just know that I'm sorry and I love you and your Brother very much" and Abigail smiles to Chas. After a moment Chas says "By the way, I'm gonna enroll you and Aaron in school" Abigail nods her head and says "Sure that's fine, but Aar isn't really into school" and Chas says "Believe me, he'll be going to school" and Abigail lightly chuckles. Cain and Debbie walks in and Chas and Abigail look to Cain and Cain asks "Who's this?" Chas stands up and says "This is my Daughter" and realisation falls upon Cain's face and says ''Ah Abigail" and Abigail nods and smiles.

Abigail makes a new friend as she settles in.
Aaron gets attacked.
Aaron and Abigail meet Chas Boyfriend - Carl King

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