Season 1 Episode 10 - Family Dinner

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A worried Abigail confessed to Chas about Aaron's capture.
Aaron and Christopher clashed.

Abigail and Aaron walks into The Woolpack and Chas who is behind the bar talking and laughing with Carl King looks towards her Children

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Abigail and Aaron walks into The Woolpack and Chas who is behind the bar talking and laughing with Carl King looks towards her Children. Abigail smiles "Hey Mum" Chas grins "Hey guys oh and I need a word with you Aaron" and Aaron says "Later yeah? I'm busy" and Chas deeply sighs and Carl looks to Abigail and Aaron and asks "Who's this?" Chas says proudly "Carl these are my kids, Aaron and Abigail...Abi and Aaron this is Carl King my Boyfriend" and Abigail smiles to Carl and says "Hi" and Aaron scoffs in disbelief as he walks out of the pub. Abigail sighs and says "I'll go after him" and Chas says "No leave him Abi" and Carl says "Let me get you a drink Abigail, and we can get to know each other properly" and Abigail nods as she sits on the barstool beside Carl. Abigail says "A Cola" and Carl nods and looks to Chas and says "You heard the girl Chas" and Chas nods and she pours Abigail a glass of cola and says "Oh by the way Abi, I'm having a family dinner and I want Christopher there" and Abigail asks in shock "You do?" Chas nods and says "Yeah, I want to get to know him properly" and Abigail smiles and nods and says "I'll let him know" and Chas nods.

Christopher is sitting in his house on the couch when his mobile phone rings and he picks up his phone and smiles to the caller ID and presses it to his ear "Hey Beautiful" and Abigail grins and says "Hey Handsome, listen my Mum wants you to come ...

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Christopher is sitting in his house on the couch when his mobile phone rings and he picks up his phone and smiles to the caller ID and presses it to his ear "Hey Beautiful" and Abigail grins and says "Hey Handsome, listen my Mum wants you to come to a family dinner" and Christopher asks "She does?" and Abigail says "Yeah, so what do you say? Will you come?" Christopher smiles and says "Of course I'll come Babe" and Abigail grins.

Christopher is sitting in his house on the couch when his mobile phone rings and he picks up his phone and smiles to the caller ID and presses it to his ear "Hey Beautiful" and Abigail grins and says "Hey Handsome, listen my Mum wants you to come ...

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Aaron walks into the cottage to see Zak, Lisa, Sam and Marlon and Chas and Cain and Abigail. Aaron asks "What's going on?" Chas says "Sit down we need a word" Aaron says "Im busy" and Cain steps forward and says "It wasn't a request...sit.down" and Abigail looks to Aaron and says "Please Aar?" Aaron sighs and sits down at the table. Chas says "Abi told me about what really happened to you, who took you? And why would they just kidnap ya?" Aaron says "I work for him" and Cain asks "Who?" Aaron looks to Abigail and Abigail nods and Aaron says "Aidan O'Connell" and Zak exclaims "Not him!" Cain nods and says "Right this is what's gonna happen, you don't work for him anymore and you're gonna let me handle it" and Aaron says "No you can't mess with him, when he tells you to do something you do it and he wants me to sell his drugs for him!" Chas exclaims "We'll tough! You ain't a drug dealer!" Aaron stands up and says "Fine, but if something bad happens don't come crying to me!" and Aaron marches off upstairs as The Dingles worryingly look at each other.

Cain threatens Aidan.
It's the Family Dinner and Christopher and Aaron clash.
Chas frets.

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