Season 1 Episode 3 - Safe

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Aaron was arrested as him and Abigail ran from a cafe.
Abigail ran to her best friends.

Aaron is sitting in the interrogation room with his arms folded across his chest as Donna walks into the room and says as she looks to Aaron "You can go now" and Aaron rolls his eyes and says "Finally!"

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Aaron is sitting in the interrogation room with his arms folded across his chest as Donna walks into the room and says as she looks to Aaron "You can go now" and Aaron rolls his eyes and says "Finally!". Aaron stands up and walks out of the interrogation room and he walks to the reception of the police station and sees Chas Dingle waiting at the reception as she is sitting on a chair. Chas looks at Aaron and she stands up "Aaron?" Aaron storms off as he barges past her and Chas follows her Son "Aaron!".

Abigail walks down the stairs of Scott's house and Scott looks to Abigail and says "Theres someone here to see ya"

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Abigail walks down the stairs of Scott's house and Scott looks to Abigail and says "Theres someone here to see ya". Abigail asks "Who?". A boy around Abigail's age walks into the living room and Abigail smiles "Chrissy? What you doing here?" Chrissy smirks "I came to see my troublemaker of a girlfriend" and Abigail runs to Chrissy and Chrissy wraps his arms around her and he kisses her. Scott says "I gotta get ready for work". Abigail nods at Scott as Scott walks up the stairs and Chrissy asks "What are you thinking? Running away from home?" Abigail says "I had to okay, Aaron was gonna leave" and Chrissy says "So, he goes and you follow him?" Abigail looks to her Boyfriend and says "Dont start alright, he's my Brother" and Chrissy shakes his head. Abigail says "Look I know you and Aaron hate each other, but I couldn't just leave him" and Chrissy says "So what's your plan?" Abigail shrugs his shoulders and says "Aaron got arrested so I need to meet him, the police won't hold him for long. So I gotta meet him" Chrissy says "Alright, I'm coming with you" and Abigail says "Whats the point, so you both can argue?" Chrissy says "I want to make sure you're safe Abi" and Abigail nods.

Aaron storms out of the police station and Chas follows him and says "Aaron! Stop!"

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Aaron storms out of the police station and Chas follows him and says "Aaron! Stop!". Aaron turns around and shouts "What do you want?!" Chas says "I want to talk to you, please Aaron. Five minutes that's all I want" and Aaron nods after hesitation. Chas sits down on a bench and Aaron sits beside her and Chas asks "How you been?" Aaron looks to Chas and says "Really? Small talk?" Chas says "Your Dad called me, apparently you and Abi has ran away?" Aaron grumbles and says "Thats none of your business" and Chas says "Of course it's my business, I'm your Mother" and Aaron scoffs in disbelief and says "Whatever". After a moment Chas says "How's Abigail?" Aaron scoffs in disbelief and says "Don't pretend you care about either of us" and Chas says "Look I know you both probably hate me, but I do love you both. Why don't you and Abigail come stay with me?" Aaron scoffs in disbelief and says "Nah you're alright" and Chas says "You're homeless and that isn't fair on Abigail or you" and Aaron looks at Chas.

Aaron and Chas meet up with Abigail and Chrissy as Abigail comes face to face with her Estranged Mother.
Chrissy and Aaron comes to blows.

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