Season 1 Episode 2 - Daddy's Girl

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Aaron and Abigail ran away from home as Aaron got drunk and slapped Stepmother Sandra.

Aaron and Abigail are sitting in a cafe late at night and Aaron looks around the quiet cafe as Abigail finishes eating her salad sandwich

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Aaron and Abigail are sitting in a cafe late at night and Aaron looks around the quiet cafe as Abigail finishes eating her salad sandwich. Abigail asks "Whats up with you? You look shifty" and Aaron leans forward towards his Younger Sister and says in a quiet voice and says "Right Abz listen to me, on the count of five we're gonna make a run for it okay" and Abigail glances back to the cafe owner who is clearing a table and asks "What? Dine and dash?" Aaron nods and says "Its the only way we could eat, right now are you ready?" Abigail nods and she picks up her bag and Aaron says "One..two..three...four...five. Leg it!" and Aaron and Abigail run out of the cafe.

Aaron and Abigail sprint out of the cafe and the cafe owner shouts "Hey! Stop!" as he runs after the Livesy Siblings

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Aaron and Abigail sprint out of the cafe and the cafe owner shouts "Hey! Stop!" as he runs after the Livesy Siblings. The cafe owner catches up with them and grabs Aaron and Abigail looks back and notices that Aaron has been caught as Aaron shouts "LET ME GO!" and the cafe owner says "I dont think so, you're going to the police!" Abigail stops running and she says "Aar!" Aaron shouts "Run go! I'll come find you, go to the our spot!"  and Abigail nods and runs off and Aaron closes his eyes.

 The cafe owner catches up with them and grabs Aaron and Abigail looks back and notices that Aaron has been caught as Aaron shouts "LET ME GO!" and the cafe owner says "I dont think so, you're going to the police!" Abigail stops running and she sa...

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Abigail walks into a back garden and approaches the back door and she knocks rapidly on the door. After a moment a young man around Abigail's age answers the door and he looks to Abigail in shock and says "Abi? You alright?" Abigail says "Scott I need your help" and Scott says "You better come in, c'mon" and Scott moves aside and Abigail walks into the house as Scott closes the back door.

Donna Windsor is standing outside an interrogation room and looks through the large window and looks at Aaron who is sitting at the table

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Donna Windsor is standing outside an interrogation room and looks through the large window and looks at Aaron who is sitting at the table. Donna takes out her mobile phone and dials a number and presses the mobile to her ear and after a moment she says "Hey its me...look you best geto to the station, its important" and she hangs up the call.

Scott looks to Abigail and asks "So what's going on? Your Dad's been on the phone asking if I seen ya" and Abigail says "Aaron and me left" and Scott says "You mean run away?"

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Scott looks to Abigail and asks "So what's going on? Your Dad's been on the phone asking if I seen ya" and Abigail says "Aaron and me left" and Scott says "You mean run away?". Abigail nods her head and Scott asks "Why? I mean I know you hate Sandra but you're a proper Daddy's girl" and Abigail says "Dad was working late and Aaron came in late drunk and him and Sandra had this petty fight and one thing led to another we had to go" and Scott says "Shit" and Abigail says "It gets worse, we were hungry and had no money so we ate at this cafe but we ran after we had eaten only the person in the cafe caught Aaron" and Scott says "Fuck, what ate you gonna do?" Abigail says "I dunno to be honest, but I was hoping if you could lend me some money just until I find somewhere" and Scott nods his head and says "I'll give you some money and some food" and Abigail smiles and says "Thanks Scott" and Scott nods his head and says "You're my best friend of course I'm gonna help ya out" and Abigail smiles.

Aaron deals with a blast from his past.
Gordon tries to get in touch with Abigail.
Chrissy tracks down Abigail.

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