Season 1 Episode 4 - Repair

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Aaron was reunited with Chas after years of being Estranged.
Chrissy was there for Abigail.
Aaron was released from police custody.

Abigail and Chrissy are sitting on the bench as Abigail and Chrissy's backs are leaning against the stone wall as Abigail's head is leaning against Chrissy's shoulder as Chrissy wraps his arm around Abigail's shoulders

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Abigail and Chrissy are sitting on the bench as Abigail and Chrissy's backs are leaning against the stone wall as Abigail's head is leaning against Chrissy's shoulder as Chrissy wraps his arm around Abigail's shoulders. A van pulls up on the road and Aaron jumps out of the van and approaches Abigail and Chrissy and says "What is he doing here?!". Abigail stands and says "C'mon don't start Aar" and Chas gets out of the van and Abigail asks "What is she doing here?! Chas says with a smile "Hey Abi, how ya doing?" Abigail folds her arms across her chest and Chas says "Can we talk?" Abigail glares at Chas.

Chas looks to Aaron and Chrissy and says "Give me a minute?" Aaron looks taken Abigail and walks off down the street and stops at a bench and Chrissy follows him

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Chas looks to Aaron and Chrissy and says "Give me a minute?" Aaron looks taken Abigail and walks off down the street and stops at a bench and Chrissy follows him. Abigail says "Y'know whatever your gonna say just save it alright" and Chas says "I know you probably hate and quick rightly so, but I'm so so sorry for leaving" and Abigail snaps "We were kids! I was eight! You abandoned us!" Chas nods and says "I know I got a lotta making up to do, I know that but let me make it up to you and Aaron, and we can start again." Abigail looks to Chas and asks "How?" Chas glances to Aaron and Chrissy and focuses her attention onto Abigail and says "Aaron told me everything,about hitting Sandra and you both running away from your Dad's. I want you and Aaron to move into mines, and we can start fresh" and Abigail shakes her head and says "I dont think so, no" and Chas says "I made a mistake, I'm so sorry but let me repair our relationship at least try it's better than having no roof over your head or going hungry hm?" Abigail looks to Aaron and says "Fine, but the minute you fuck up I'm gone" and Chas smiles at Abigail.

 I want you and Aaron to move into mines, and we can start fresh" and Abigail shakes her head and says "I dont think so, no" and Chas says "I made a mistake, I'm so sorry but let me repair our relationship at least try it's better than having no r...

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Chas looks to Aaron and says with joy "C'mon Aaron let's go!" Aaron and Chas walk towards the van. Abigail stares at Chrissy and Chrissy stands still and Aaron asks as he looks to Abigail "You coming?" Abigail looks to Aaron and says "Yeah, just gimme a minute" and Aaron nods as he gets in the van. Chrissy walks towards Abigail and asks "So I take it you're going in that van?" Abigail nods and says "Yeah, I'm gonna move in with my Mum and Aaron. She wants to repair our relationship" and Chrissy nods and says "Thats good, we'll just be careful Yeah?" Abigail smiles at Chrissy and says "I will don't worry, I'll have my wall up like always" and Chrissy chuckles. Chrissy walks closer to Abigail and he cups her cheek and states deeply into Chrissy's eyes and she says "I'll miss you" and Chrissy presses his forehead against Abigail's forehead and Chrissy says "I love ya" and Abigail says "Right back at ya" and Chrissy kisses Abigail and Abigail smiles against the kiss.

Abigail and Aaron arrive at The Dingle's and meet their Family.
Chas questions Abigail.

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