Season 1 Episode 6 - Little Sister

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Abigail met her Estranged Family.
Aaron lashed out.
Chas and Abigail had a heart to heart.

Abigail walks into The Woolpack and approaches the bar when a young girl around her age smiles to her. Anigail smiles and says "Hi" the stranger replies "Hey, I've never seen you around here before?" Abigail replies "Yeah me and my brother just moved back here" and the stranger smiles and says "I'm Holly, Holly Barton" and Abigail smiles to Holly and says "I'm Abigail, Abigail Livesy it's nice to meet ya" and Holly nods her head and says "You can sit with me if you want" and Abigail smirks and says "Yeah that sounds nice".

Aaron is walking through the village when suddenly a black van abruptly stops beside Aaron and Aaron turns around and looks in confusion to the van. Two masked men run out of the van and grab Aaron and Aaron shouts "Hey! What the hell?! Let me go!" as they both drag Aaron into the van both get into the van and shut the sliding door and drive off.

Abigail walks into The Wishing Well Cottage to see Shadrach and Chas sitting on the couch and Abigail smiles to them both and Chas says "Hey Sweetheart, your Brother not with you?" Abigail shakes her head and says "Nah, I've not seen him since this morning" and Chas nods and says "Wonder where he has got to" and Shadrach says "I wouldn't worry Chas, he will be just put there doing what young lads get up to" and Chas and Abigail nod their heads.

In a abandoned warehouse Aaron is tied to a chair and he looks up as he has blood and cuts on his face and he looks towards a man and says "Let me go" and the man crouches down to Aaron's level and says "Y'know, you knew what would happen if you double crossed me, you knew that if you didn't do what I asked there would be consequences. You didn't sell my drugs so now this is what happens when you mess with me" Aaron glares to the man and says "Go to hell Aidan" and Aidan smirks and looks up to Aidan and says "Tell me kid, how's that young beautiful sister of yours? She's a little sweet thing, would be a crying shame if anything bad happened to her?" Aaron seeethes "You go near her and I'll kill ya!" and Aidan chuckles and says "Don't worry if you sell my gear then little sister will be just fine" and Aaron glares to the gangster.

Aaron returns to Abigail and The Dingle's.
Chas is out for blood.
Abigail meets The Barton's.

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