Season 1 Episode 8 - One Eye Open

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Christopher arrived at the Dingles.
Cain warned Christopher.
Aaron lied to his family about his whereabouts.

The next day Aaron is sitting at the table in The Dingle Residence when Abigail walks downstairs to see Aaron alone

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The next day Aaron is sitting at the table in The Dingle Residence when Abigail walks downstairs to see Aaron alone. Aaron smiles to Abigail and says "Hey Sis" and Abigail folds her arms across her chest with a look of disproval towards Aaron. Aaron notices Abigail's facial expression and asks "What? What is it Abz? Cause I know you're dying to get something off your chest" and Abigail nods and says "Alright, fine. Where were you yesterday, really?'' Aaron says "I told you, I was with some friends" Aaron stands up as Abigail asks "Which friends? What're their names?" Aaron runs at his head frustratingly and says "Why are you tryna catch me out?! What's with all the questions?" Abigail snaps "Cause I know you Aar! and I know for a fact you have no friends! So spill!" Aaron rubs at his temple and says "Okay you win, I was taken" and Abigail widens her eyes and asks "Taken?! What do you mean taken?! By who?!" Aaron deeply sighs and Abigail sternly trails away "Aaron?..." and Aaron looks to Abigail and says "Aidan O'Connell" and Abigail says "But I thought you stopped working for him? You told me that?!" Aaron nods and says "I did, but he wants me to work for him again or else" Abigail shrugs her shoulders and asks "Or else what?!" Aaron says "Or he'll hurt you" and Abigail says "We gotta tell Mum" and Aaron says "It's nothing to do with her!" Abigail shouts "You've put us in danger! You were taken! Mum has a right to know! You better tell her or I will Aaron!" and Abigail storms out of the house leaving a frustrated Aaron.

In The Woolpack Chas is behind the bar serving when Christopher walks in the local pub

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In The Woolpack Chas is behind the bar serving when Christopher walks in the local pub. Chas looks to Christopher as he approaches the bar and Chas says ''What can I get ya?" Christopher says "A cola and and orange juice" and Chas nods and says "Sure, coming right up". As Chas begins to serve Christopher, Christopher says "You must be Chas?" Chas warily glances to Christopher as she places a glass of orange juice on the counter and asks "Who's asking? Who are you?" Christopher replies "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Christopher" and Chas' face fills with realisation as sets the glass of cola on the counter in front of him and says knowingly "Ah you must be Abigail's Boyfriend?" Christopher smiles and says "Yeah, that's me. It's nice to meet you" and Chas smiles and says "Right back at ya" and Chas leans forward towards Christopher and says "You seem nice, you make my Abi happy, but I just want you to know if the day comes that you hurt her or have somehow broken her heart...I will come after you and you'll need to sleep with one eye open, you got that?" and Christopher looks taken back and nods and says "Yeah, sure" and Chas smiles and says "That's £3.80" and Christopher takes out his wallet.

Abigail tells Chas the truth.
Aaron and Christopher clash.
Aaron gets a job at the garage.

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