Season 1 Episode 9 - Taken

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Aaron confessed to Abigail he had been taken.
Chas warned Christopher not to hurt Abigail.

Abigail walks downstairs in The Wishing Well Cottage to see Chas drinking a cup of coffee and Chas smiles to Abigail and says "There she is, how's my little girl doing?" Abigail smiles to Chas "Hiya Mum, Where's Aaron?" Chas says "Well your Uncle ...

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Abigail walks downstairs in The Wishing Well Cottage to see Chas drinking a cup of coffee and Chas smiles to Abigail and says "There she is, how's my little girl doing?" Abigail smiles to Chas "Hiya Mum, Where's Aaron?" Chas says "Well your Uncle Cain got him a job at the garage since he doesn't want to go to school" and Abigail nods as she stares in a trance. Chas looks to her Daughter and asks "You alright?" Abigail looks to Chas and says "I have something to tell ya" Chas puts down her cup of half drank coffee and asks "What's the matter?" Abigail says "Remember when Aaron didn't come home and he said he was at a friends house?" Chas nods and says "Yeah?" Abigail continues "Well he lied, he was taken" Chas stands up and exclaims "Taken?! By who?!" Abigail replies "Aidan O'Connell" and Chas angrily says "Is that right!" and Chas marches out of the house.

 Chas looks to her Daughter and asks "You alright?" Abigail looks to Chas and says "I have something to tell ya" Chas puts down her cup of half drank coffee and asks "What's the matter?" Abigail says "Remember when Aaron didn't come home and he sa...

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Aaron walks into Viv's shop to see Christopher at the magazine stack and Aaron scoffs in disbelief and approaches him and asks "What are you doing here?" Christopher turns around and looks to Aaron and says "I'm staying here for a girlfriend is living in this village" Aaron says "When are ya gonna take the hint? Clear off" Christopher replies as his lip curls "I don't think Abi would appreciate if I just upped and left...we love each other" Aaron shakes his head and says "Bullshit, I'll be watching you" and Christopher smirks and says "You always are" and Aaron storms out of the shop.

Later that day Aaron is at the garage and Abigail approaches the garage with a take out coffee in her hand

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Later that day Aaron is at the garage and Abigail approaches the garage with a take out coffee in her hand. Aaron acknowledges his younger Sister and stops what he's doing. Abigail smiles to Aaron and Aaron asks "Whats this?" Abigail purses her lips as she says "Nothing, I just thought that I would bring you some coffee on your first's it going?" Aaron says "Well it's a lot better than school, that's for certain" and Abigail says as she passes over the coffee "I got something to tell you...I told Mum about Aidan" and Aaron closes his eyes and says "You what?" Abigail says "She has a right to know Aar, I mean what if it happens again?" Aaron says "It won't Sis, I'll make sure of it" and Abigail says "Sorry, I'm just worried Aar" and Aaron softly smiles to Abigail and says "Well don't you worry your little head, I'll handle it okay?" Abigail nods.

Chas invites Christopher over for a family meal.
Abigail meets Adam Barton.
Abigail and Aaron meet Carl King.

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