chapter 9

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please send me character asks in the previous chapter! i really want to answer some! )':


for a minute, ashton didn't notice calum stumbling towards him. when he did, though, he started backing up slowly. "calum, what're you doing here? n-niall and zayn said you wouldn't be here!"

but he didn't answer; he just kept walking towards ashton until he was inches from his face. ashton avoided his clouded eyes, reaching for his phone to call niall. calum was quick to put his hand on the phone, though. "ashton, please! hear me out." he cried, grabbing his wrists carefully.

"are you drunk?" ashton's face scrunched in disgust, trying to pull out of calum's grip, which only tightened. "god, calum, you're a mess... what happened to you?"

"you. you happened." he said quickly, staring ashton dead in the eyes. "a-ashton, babe, let's go-hic-talk upstairs or something." calum dragged on some of his words, and ashton shook his head. "yup, definitely drunk. ... i should leave." with one swift move, ashton yanked his hands from calum's and began to walk away.

ashton was about to step into his car when calum appeared at his side once more. "a-ashton, please! i just really need to tell you something!" ashton stopped, facing calum. his eyes were cold, and this was the most serious calum had ever seen the boy. it was pretty hot, might he add. "what, calum. what do you need to say that's so important?"

"i love you!" by now, ashton was already in his car. he had halfway slammed the door when calum blurted those words, and once again, he stepped out of the car. "pardon?"

"i love you." calum spoke softer now, and ashton swore any sign of the boy being drunk was gone. he stared at calum for a long moment before the kiwi boy continued. "a-and i don't care if you don't love me back after that day, b-but... fuck, ashton. i miss you. i miss hanging out at my house after your shifts, i miss answering the door to see your smiling face. i miss getting roses once a week! i..." calum stopped, deciding not to say another word.

ashton stood there, shocked. "i didn't know you... loved me. calum, i don't know what to say. like, what if this is just drunk you speaking?" his face fell, eyebrows furrowing in worry. "i don't know if i can forgive you so easy."

"i expected that." calum replied, forcing out an awkward laugh. "but i promise you, ashton fletcher irwin, i will make it up to you." this made ashton smile softly. "i just have one favor."

"and what is that?" ashton asked, doing that small head tilt that always made calum go weak at the knees.

still, he stood straight up. "could you drive me home?" ashton nodded slowly, laughing. "yeah, get in."


as they pulled into calum's driveway, neither of them moved. instead, calum looked at him. "could you help me to my room?" ashton flushed, eyeing him back. "what? why!? that's creepy!"

"it's not! i'm just... what if i trip going up the stairs and break my neck!? you'd never forgive yourself!" this made ashton giggle, and after a moment of silence, he finally agreed to take calum to his room.


"c-calum, your room..."

shit! he forgot about his hissy fit he threw the other day! calum paled. "oh god, i'm sorry you had to see this-" ashton shoved past him, picking up the shards of glass that were still lodged into calum's carpet. "ashton, you really don't need to-"

"i think i should stay the night. to watch you." ashton looked visibly distraught at the sight, and though calum was embarrassed, he nodded slowly. he didn't realize he was beginning to cry until ashton was in front of him, hesitantly pulling him into a hug. "did you do this... because of me?" calum simply nodded into his chest as he sobbed for a couple minutes longer. ashton dragged him to his bed, picking calum up and putting him on the mattress. sure, he was smaller than calum, but he sure was strong. ashton slowly pulled away and began to look around. "calum, do you have any blankets i could use for the floor?"

"what?" calum's head shot up. "ash, don't be silly. this bed can fit five million people. you're sleeping here!" ashton blushed, nodding slowly as he removed his shoes. calum scooted over for him and he got into the bed. the minute he got into the bed, calum latched onto him. ashton stiffened, easing into his touch as he cuddled into him. "i love you, ashton."

ashton thought hard on how to respond. finally, he just went for it. "i love you too, calum."


july 17th

calum awoke the next morning to his phone going off like crazy. his eyes fluttered open, and he was met with a sleeping, tan boy with terribly sexy bedhead cuddling him tightly. as he tried to remember the night before, he looked through texts from luke, michael, and one from his sister. his eyes widened as he read that one.

"hey bro, we'll be home in an hour. - mali xx"

his eyes fluttered down to the timestamp: 10:35 AM. then, his breath hitched in his throat as he read the clock past ashton's shoulder: 11:32 AM.

he didn't want to wake ashton. (ever.) it's not like that mattered though; it was already too late. he heard the front door swing open, and footsteps excitedly coming up the stairs. "calum, honey! we're home!"

yup, he's dead.


so earlier i was reading bouquet of roses and

holy hell it wasn't that good imo.... i'm honestly a little disappointed in myself because i thought it was a lot better?? i think next time i'll work a lot harder on my fic, but i'm going to try my best to make these last 6 chapters better!

also, whooosh cliffhanger! mama hood is here sound the alarm!

i already said this buT please send me some character asks! i'll dedicate my next chapter to the first person to give me an ask! ):

until next time! ps, get ready for my muke prequel, suddenly! the prologue will be up tomorrow! i'm planning a cashton fic currently btw 0;

much love! xx

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