chapter 1

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calum swung his front door open, staring his two best friends down with the deadliest glare. "luke. michael. what. the. hell. are. you. guys. doing. here." he seethed, knuckles white as he gripped the door frame. in front of him, a tall, handsome boy with piercing blue eyes and the perfect quiff; and a slightly shorter boy with lime green hair and the biggest shit-eating grin ever.

"i told you he'd be asleep still, michael..." luke leaned down a tad and mumbled to michael, who just swatted his best friend away.

"whatever! ahem!" michael puffed out his chest, grabbed luke by the arm, and shoved past calum into his home. "now, as we all know, it is june 7th!"

"and?" calum deadpanned, earning an irritated glance from michael.

"and its summer, and your family is out! for a month and a half! this kind of thing happens once in a lifetime, calum!" michael practically threw his arms above his head as his voice raised. he was always such a drama queen. calum rolled his eyes and threw himself onto the couch.

"yeah, well, i'm ready to party and get drunk off my ass and maybe find a cute guy or maybe a chick i guess, but can we just be lazy for a bit longer? please?" calum looked to the two with pleading eyes as michael and luke nodded in unison. "great. you guys can go up to my room or something, i guess. i'm just gonna ... sleep here for a bit." before calum could finish his sentence, the two had already disappeared up the stairs.

yeah, calum was a grouch. well, he had reasons to be. an eighteen year old homosexual and hormonal teenager with two stupid best friends and a rich family who cared when he least wanted them to? he has it good, sure, but nobody has yet to call him on his attitude so he could care less.

not long after, calum heard another knock. damn it, more company? it was barely 11 AM! at least he was fully clothed in his pajamas. tugging on his flannel pants waistband, calum opened the door wide, not bothering to even look at who it was before he spoke. "what do you want."

"delivery for, um, column hood?"

calum scowled at the incorrect pronunciation of his name, though the sound of the insecure yet warm voice made him look at the visitor.

and if looks could kill, this man just brutally murdered him.

he was only a little shorter than calum, and had the most beautiful eyes ever. calum stood for a moment trying to figure out the exact color of them, but realized he was being creepy and moved on. his hair was untamed, golden curls flicked in all directions as if he just got out of bed. best of all, though, his smile. it was faltering slightly from possible exhaustion, but when calum opened his mouth to speak the smile returned in full bloom. calum felt his face grow slightly warm as he slid his gaze down to the stranger's toned arms, stopping when he saw a large object in his hands.

"i didn't order a bouquet of roses."

"well, since i'm here, someone obviously did."

calum noted the "sorry for the herpes" sign perched oh-so gracefully in the middle of the bouquet and mumbled a "god damn it michael" under his breath. "i ... fuck." his face grew red, and he quickly took the roses from the man before . "fuck, i don't want these. roses are for girls."

"what!?" the flower boy was baffled, eyes wide in shock. "how could you say that!? roses are the prettiest flowers, and if you can't appreciate them, imagine how your friend... er ... lover?-" he gestured at the sign, "-would feel if you let them go to waste!?"

calum felt his heart speed up as the biy continued his rant. still, the scowl on his face didn't disappear. "i don't have a lover. but, if you'll excuse me, i have to go kill my friends for sending me these. thanks for the roses."

the boy smiled softly, his curls bouncing when he nodded. "any time. and, um ..." his face reddened as he turned away. "sorry about your herpes. that really sucks."

calum heard laughter erupt from upstairs and he instantly knew luke and michael heard. before he closed the door, calum called out. "i-i don't have herpes, by the way!"

he slammed the door, tossed the roses on the stand next to his door, and froze in his spot. "i didn't even get his name."



sort of irrelevant, but that pic is what michael's hair looks like right now. michael will have red hair soon, i promise. and next chapter i'll explain more stuff.

also i might start adding songs for each chapter? just a thought. anyways! hope you enjoyed! expect more updates later! xx

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