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Derek ran faster then he imagined he could ever run. He sprinted through the corridors, he felt sick to his stomach. He entered the ER and heard the cries of his wife.

"Meredith!" Derek shouted out over the hustle and bustle that was currently surrounding them. He watched as she looked round frantically trying to find. "Meredith I'm here!" He was at her side quickly, grasping her face in his hands. Her breathing was erratic and her face was stained with dried tears as fresh ones continued to fall.

"We was going to park, we walked our usually way and you know how Sophie loves to walk ahead, cause she's 5 now a sh...she's...a big girl so we always let her walk ahead." Meredith hiccuped up as the tears got caught in her throat. "Derek I swear I was watching her and then this car served out of no where, an...an... and Derek, they drove straight into Sophie." Meredith's body collapsed into his and he hung onto her tight, making sure she didn't hit the floor.

Derek could feel his body ready to give out but he needed to be strong but his little girl was in there fighting for her life. Derek moved the two of them to the closest chairs and collapsed into him. He wasn't strong enough to keep standing anymore. Meredith clung tightly to Derek's hand with her head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on top of hers.

All they could was wait. And wait. The minutes moved by so slow that they felt like time had stopped. Bailey and Richard rounded the corner and moved towards them causing them to jump up from their seats. They kept their hands clasped tightly together. They tried their best to read their expression.

Bailey and Richard stopped in front of them and looked up with at them with sad eyes.

"No! No! No!" Meredith screamed out as she collapsed into Derek's side. Tears were flowing freely from their eyes, soaking one another's tops.

"You have to say it." Derek looked up at them. "Please Richard, say it." Richard swallowed harshly before looking away. "Bailey." Derek turned to her with pleading eyes.

"I am so sorry, their was too much damage, we did everything we could. Sophie passed away." Bailey let out a huge sigh and bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying as she watched two of her closest friends crumble in front of her.

"Come on, you need some privacy." Richard looked round at the wondering eyes that were start to stare at them. Richard guided them through with Derek almost carrying Meredith. He opened a door to an exam room and shutting the door behind them, they deserved all the privacy they could get.

Meredith took a seat and stared straight a head, her expression was blank. Her eyes were empty. Derek rested his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. He was angry. Upset. Heartbroken. Their little girl was gone.

"We was just going to the park, like we do every Saturday." Meredith's voice whispered breaking the uncomfortable silence. Meredith turned her head and looked at Derek. "She just wanted to go to the park an...a...and now she's, she's dead." Meredith sobs wrecked over her body as she almost screamed out in pain, unbearable pain.

Derek couldn't bear to see Meredith like this so he moved to scoop her up in his arms. Together they stayed sitting on the floor wrapped in each other's arms. They weren't even aware of how much time had passed but neither of them cared at this point.

"Come on Mer, let's go home." Derek squeezed her hand.

"No." Derek felt her body tense up. "I can't go home, not right now, her stuff is everywhere. We was colouring you a picture before leaving so we left everything out cause we was going to finish it when we got home. Ju...no I can't go home, please don't make me go home Derek." Meredith turned and Derek saw the helplessness radiating through Meredith's eyes.

"Alright we won't go home." He cupped her face in his hand and rubbed his thumb over her cheek. "We will go to my parents house, we can't stay here so come on." Derek pushed his body up off the floor weakly before reaching down to pull Meredith to her feet.

Meredith crossed her arms across her body and kept her eyes pointing at the floor. She felt Derek wrap his arm around her shoulder and guide her through the hospital. She heard her friends shouting her name but right now she didn't want to see them, nothing could make this any better.

Once they were in the car, they stayed in silence but their hand were tightly grasped together, their hands resting on her thigh. They pulled up to Derek's parents house and Derek moved to get out of the car straight away but Meredith stayed where she was. She was looking down at something in her hand and Derek realised it was Sophie's blanket. He watched as she held up to her nose and took in a huge breath, taking in Sophie's scent. That's when she completely broke down again. He left her there, knowing she needed a minute for herself.

Derek moved to the door, where he found both his parents standing there with worried expressions on their face.

"Derek, son. What's going on? You sounded sad over the phone?" Derek's mom stepped forward and placed her hand on Derek's arm. At this Derek started to break down completely, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Derek, please me and your mother are worried." Christopher, Derek's father crouched down and pulled Derek's body up right. "Talk to us son."

"It's Sophie." Derek couldn't believe he was about to say this. "Sophie, sh...she died. Sophie's dead." Derek watched as the pain washed though both his parents body, you could see the heartbreak in both of their eyes.

Derek crumbled and fell into his fathers arms as Carolyn moved to the car to get Meredith out. They were pulled into the house where they sat at opposite ends of the sofa, staring blankly ahead.

Their whole world has just been flipped and turned upside down. They had no idea how they would get through this or even if they would get through this.

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