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Derek watched as Meredith stood in front of the mirror, her hair falling loosely over her shoulders, her face was bare of make up and her black dress hung loosely from her body. She was just staring at her reflection, like she scared to move. He pushed off the door frame and moved body her body, pressing his chest into her back and sighing when she relaxed into his body.

"We need to get going soon Mer." He whispered into her ear. He felt her body tense up again before she turned to him with sad, empty eyes. Meredith nodded slightly before reaching up to adjust his tie. She leaned down and took his hand in hers and then made their way downstairs where everyone else was waiting.

Everyone was coming up to them, giving their condolences but Meredith wasn't listening. She was zoned out completely, only sensing that Derek was next to her. Derek was the one to smile sadly, giving their thanks for coming before they were eventually called outside. They stepped outside and watched as the car pulled up, with Sophie's coffin placed in the back. It was decorated with flowers, pink and whites, but it all seemed wrong, they shouldn't be having a funeral for their 5 year old daughter.

Meredith held on tightly to Derek's hand, whilst the other one was grasping Sophie's favourite teddy. The teddy that Derek had brought the day they found out they were pregnant and it was the teddy that Sophie slept with every night. She pulled her hand out of Derek's and made her way down to the car, where they opened the door so she could reach in. Taking a big breath in, she placed the teddy on top of the coffin before resting her hand on top of it. Sobs racked her body and she felt her legs begin to give way, Derek catching her body before she hit the ground.

Derek took her into his arms and let her cry, they stood and cried together. Everyone stood back, dabbing at their own tears, leaving the couple to grieve together. He pulled her towards the limo, where they climbed in, closely followed by his parents.

Meredith stared straight ahead, barely getting by, just breathing in and out to stop herself from completely breaking down again. It was too soon that the car stopped, letting them know that they had arrived. Carolyn and Christopher moved out of the car first, when Carolyn reached in to take Meredith's hands into hers, holding onto her tightly. Christopher took his position next to Derek where he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, squeezing it as Derek looked down at his feet.

Derek, Christopher, Mark and Alex would be the ones to carry the coffin, deciding that it should be family that did it and not some strangers. Meredith listened as Derek's breathing became erratic, she pulled out of Carolyn's grasp and cupped his face in her hands.

"Hey, look at me." Meredith whispered. Derek slowly raised his eyes to meet hers. "It's alright, I'll be right behind you, every step of the way, alright?" Derek nodded his head before she brushed her lips against hers and then pulling each into their arms. "I love you." Meredith whispered into his ear as he squeezed her even tighter.

"Come on son, it's time." Christopher placed his hand on Derek's shoulder. Watching as the two of them slowly pulled apart, never breaking eye contact. He looked over at Carolyn, who nodded before wrapping her arms around Meredith. Derek and Christopher moved over to the car where they met both Mark and Alex. The two of them pulled Derek into their arms, giving him a brotherly hug.

Derek turned and looked at Meredith who had one in hand in Carolyn's and the others in Cristina's. He also saw that Lexie, Izzie, Callie, Arizona and George stood closely behind her, grateful that she would not be alone for this part. He turned back to the car where they slowly lifted the coffin out and they placed it onto their shoulders, where they began the walk. Derek couldn't stop the tears that flowed down his face, he should be carrying Sophie on his shoulders listening as she giggled and talked about her day, not like this.

Once they finally reached their destination, they placed the coffin down and Derek was quick to join Meredith's side, where she wrapped him in her arms. Whispering how proud she was off him and how proud Sophie would have been of her daddy for being super brave. They stood side by side, holding on tightly to one another's hands, barely listening as speeches were made. The coffin was then lowered into the ground, Meredith and Derek completely crumbled into one another's arms, holding onto one another so tight, scared to let go as they wouldn't stay standing up straight.

Close friends and family threw a flower on to the coffin, before walking off and leaving Meredith and Derek alone. They held a flower in their hand before throwing into together, looking down at where their daughter now rested. Some drops of rain began to fall from the sky, mixing in with their own tears. Pulling themselves away, they moved back to the car in silence before heading home. Home. It wasn't their home anymore, not without Sophie.

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