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The say grief comes in five stages. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Finally, acceptance. It affects everyone differently and everyone deals with it in their own way.

"Meredith, you need to eat." Derek pushed the plate back towards Meredith and watched as she shoved it away from her. "Eat." Once again pushing the plate in front of her.

Meredith threw her out arm, sliding the plate right off the side and watched as it hit the floor and smashed into pieces.

"Stop telling me what to do! I don't want to eat! I'm not hungry so just leave me alone!" Meredith exclaimed slamming her hands on the side.

Derek took a big deep breath in, trying not to lose his temper but he was fed up of Meredith treating her like her personal punch bag. He was close to snapping.

"I'm just trying to look after you Meredith but you are becoming unbearable right now!" He pushed himself off the counter and started sweeping up the shattered pieces of shattered plate.

"Unbearable? I'm sorry that I'm grieving!" Meredith shouted at the top of her voice.

"You're not the only one grieving Meredith! I lost Sophie as well, but here I am picking up after your shit once again! I'm always there for you but where are you when I need you?" Derek finished sweeping up and slammed the bin shut.

"You blame me, don't you?" Meredith glared at Derek. "You blame me for Sophie dying, you think I should have kept a closer eye on her or just stayed in with her then she would still be here. Just say it! Say it!" Meredith screamed in Derek's face.

"Meredith, I don't blame you." Derek's expression softened. "It wasn't your fault, it wasn't. It was the driver that got behind the wheel of his car drunk, he is the reason...it's not your fault Mer." He cupped her cheeks in his hands, tears staining her face as they continued to flow from her eyes.

"Well, I blame myself Der." She looked up at him with broken eyes. "If I had just stayed at home then she would still be here, it's all my fault Derek."

Derek pulled her tight into his arms, listening as she sobbed in his arms, her tears soaking his shirt. The tears flowed from his eyes, he wiped at them and then kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry Derek." She pulled back and reached up to wipe her thumb across his cheek, brushing away the tears. "I've been a complete bitch to you when you've been nothing but been my absolute rock. I can't imagine how hard all of this has been for you...you've had to deal with my grief on top of yours. I'm just so sorry Der. I love you."

"I love you too Mer." He leaned down and brushed her lips against his, their tears mixing together before they pulled apart, holding on tightly to one another.

"Der, go sit down, I have something to show you." Meredith guided him towards the door before going to the draw and pulling out a piece of paper. She held it tightly in her hand and then joined Meredith on the sofa. "Here." She handed it over to Derek and watched as he slowly opened it, taking a huge gasp.

"Is...is...did Soph draw this?" Derek asked as he struggled to speak, taking deep breaths to stop himself from breaking down.

"Yeah, it...it...was the one she was drawing on...she was drawing it for you. See..." Meredith pointed at the picture and explained to him. "That's me, Soph and you, then she draw a dog because she was going to ask you for one again, she thought this might convince you to say yes." Meredith watched as the tears fell from his eyes, falling onto the paper.

"My baby girl, she's gone." Derek took a huge breath in but the sobs completely controlled his body. Meredith wrapped her arms around his shoulder and pulling his head into her lap where she let him cry. She ran her fingers through his hair and just let him get it all out.

Derek hung on tight to Meredith's legs, scared to move. He was a broken man. Nothing would ever repair the whole in their lives that had been left behind the day Sophie had died but with each other by their sides they were going to get through this. Some days will be harder then others but they would get through this. They would. They had to.

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