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Meredith didn't sleep that night. She lay on her side and just stared at the wall. Derek was lay right behind her with his arms resting across and his face buried into her neck. She could feel him breathing and knew he also hadn't slept. Meredith had Sophie's blanket clutched into her chest. It smelled like her and she felt like it was the only close thing she had left of her.

"Did you sleep at all?" Derek hoarse voice spoke up.

"No, every time I closed my eyes I..." Meredith trailed off. "I just can't sleep, I can't move. It hurts to even breathe." Meredith pushed her body further into Derek's and allied him to squeeze her tightly.

Derek held her tightly as she sobbed uncontrollably until she eventually drifted off to sleep. Her body was that exhausted that she just crashed. Derek pressed his lips to her forehead before climbing out of the bed slowly and heading downstairs. His head was throbbing. He rubbed at his eyes before walking into the living room to find his mom and dad sitting there, with their morning coffees.

Derek dropped down onto the seat and let his head drop into his hands. He rubbed his hands over his face before leaning back in his seat. He could feel his parents staring at him, like he was going to break and he really did think he was going to. Derek couldn't take the staring so he pushed himself up and moved outside to sit on the porch.

Carolyn moved to follow him when Christopher stopped her by clearing his throat and shaking his head.

"Leave him dear, he needs some space right now." Christopher watched as Carolyn settled back in her seat but looked uncomfortable as she kept looking back at the door.

Meanwhile, Derek sat on the swing and looked out at his parents garden. They had set up this garden just for Sophie. With a climbing frame, slide and a swing decorating the garden. Derek's hand touched something soft and he grasped it and brought it up to his face. He came face to face with a light pink bear, that Sophie took everywhere, she had it since the day she was born with thanks to his parents. Bringing the bear up to his nose, he took in the smell and that's when he completely broke down.

Derek's body shook as he sobbed on to the bear, he couldn't stop as he felt himself getting choked on his tears. A pair of slender arms wrapped around his back and was pulled into a body. The scent of lavender attacked his nose and he immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, with his head resting on her chest. She kissed the top of his head and then the two of them sat there, crying together. At their loss, losing Sophie. They were broken.

Derek's tears eventually slowed and he pulled himself out of Meredith's arms but kept her hand securely in his. He turned to look at Meredith and noticed the dark circles under her eyes, her messy hair and tired complexion. She stared blankly ahead, only moving when she blinked.

"Soph loved that swing." She kept her eyes forward. "Remember she would make you swing her super high for hours and hours. She hates..." Meredith stopped herself and took a deep breath in. "Hated when we had to leave." Meredith finally turned her head towards Derek. "How did this happen Der? How did we lose our little girl and how do we go on?" The tears grew in Meredith's eyes again.

"I...I hmm...don't know Mer, I wish I knew, this isn't fair." Derek pulled Meredith into his arms. "As hard as this is going to be, we will get through this, me and you." He kissed the top of her head. "I love you Mer."

"I love you too Der." Meredith replied in a whisper. "Can we go back to bed? I'm just tired and I can't deal with the staring, I know your parents care but...just not today." Meredith moved her head off his shoulder.

Derek nodded before pulling himself to his feet and then pulling Meredith up, he pulled her into his chest. They leaned in and brushed their lips against once another's, their tears mixing together. They pulled apart and made their way through the house, ignoring his parents questions and pleas.

Climbing back into bed, they moved into one another's arms and hung onto one another tightly, scared to let go. That night that both managed to get a small amount of sleep but kept waking with the nightmares they were having. Meredith and Derek knew that they should let everyone know and speak to people but right now, they wanted nothing more then to stay wrapped in one another's arms. Stay inside away from the cruel world that awaited them outside. The cruel world that ripped their Sophie out of their arms.

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