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Carolyn and Christopher stood at the front door, knocking and then waiting for either Meredith or Derek to answer the door. They had left them alone for a few days, to adjust to their lives now without Sophie. Eventually, the door creaked open and revealed a tired looking Meredith, her hair scrapped into a messy bun and dressed, in what looks like Derek's clothes.

"Hey mom and dad. Come in." She pulled the door open and allowed them to enter. "Derek's still sleeping, but come on in. Can I get you tea or coffee?"

"We will both have a coffee, thank you Meredith." Christopher replied, smiling warmly at her before watching her as she headed into the kitchen. He placed his hand on Carolyn's back before guiding her into the kitchen, following Meredith. They took a seat on the stools, as Meredith moved around the kitchen making their drinks.

Meredith placed their cups down in front of them, smiling at them.

"So Meredith, how have you been?" Carolyn asked as she watched Meredith continuously stirred her coffee.

"Good, I'm sleeping now. So is Derek, that's why he is still up there now." She slowly sipped at her coffee, smiling as Derek walked into the kitchen. "Or not." She pointed towards him and watched as Carolyn and Christopher turned around to face him.

"Hey son." Christopher tapped him on the shoulder as he walked past. Derek took a position next to Meredith, taking her mug in his hands and taking a sip from it and then pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

"Mom, dad wasn't expecting you today." Derek tone was flat causing Meredith to turn, frowning at him slightly. "Come to baby sit us again?"

"Derek, what is wrong with you?" Meredith exclaimed in a whisper. "Mom, dad I'm sorry." She turned and looked at them will an apologetic smile on her face.

Derek stormed out the kitchen, closely followed by Meredith.

"Derek, where are you going?" Meredith spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting Carolyn or Christopher hear them arguing.

"I just need to get out of here, it's too much. This is too much." He picked up his keys and walked straight out, without offering Meredith a proper explanation. Meredith sighed before walking back into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry..." Meredith was about to explain.

"Meredith, you don't need to apologise for my sons actions. He was out of order and I will be speaking to him lately." Christopher reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

"Look, I think I know where he is heading, so I'm going to go and yeah." Meredith pointed towards the front door.

"Of course dear." Carolyn pushed to her feet, Christopher following her out of the kitchen. "Let us know if you need anything." Carolyn wrapped Meredith in her arms before they left the house.

Meredith followed out and climbed into her car, heading directly for their land. It's were Derek would take Sophie on his days off, they'd go on long hikes and have picnics nearly every weekend. She pulled up, finding his car there, parked outside the trailer that still sat in the same spot. Parking up next to him, she found him sat on the porch of the trailer.

"Derek, you are out of order." She exclaimed when walking from her car. Stopping him from speaking. "No, you listen. You need to understand that your mom and dad are just trying to be there for us, they gave us space when we needed it, they let us stay with them and you're treating them like shit." She took a seat next to him. "Der, what's going on in that mind of yours?" She ran her fingers through his hair, smiling as his head rested on her shoulder.

"I know I'm sorry." He placed his hand on her thigh. "I just can't take everyone looking at us like we are going to break." Meredith rubbed her hand across his back.

"I know." She looked around at the clear sky. "Hey, why don't we stay at the trailer tonight, just be in our own little world. Just for tonight." Meredith watched as Derek nodded his head before allowing it to fall onto her shoulder again. Meredith felt Derek shiver before she pushed herself to her feet.

"Come on let's get you inside, you're cold." She reached her hand out and gasped slightly as his cold hand grasped hers. He put his free hand on the bottom of her back and pulled her in close.

"I'm sorry." Derek quickly pecked her lips, she smiled back up at him. She pulled him inside and this time she cared for him. Getting him dressed, fed and eventually into bed.

This was all new to them, knowing how to deal with grief and needing someone to be there for them. They were so used to the ones being strong but right now they couldn't be strong, they needed to break in order to get better.

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