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Derek was fishing. It's what he always did when he needed space, he went fishing. He hadn't been comfortable leaving Meredith on her own, but with some convincing from his mom and Amelia, who agreed they would stay with her, he had gone. He had packed his bags, kissed Meredith on the lips and then set off.

Now here he stood. The water up to his knees as he casted his line out and waited. Waited for something, anything. But this time away would do him good. He knew he would have to go back to work eventually but he wasn't sure how he could return to the place that his daughter had died.

He finally felt something latch onto his line and he pulled it up, he smiled to myself as he unhooked the fish of the line and released it back into the wild. Sophie always hated this part and would always insist that "had to save the fishies." Her little voice ran through his head and he smiled.

Derek's phoned buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out and smiled at Meredith's text.

'Your mom is never leaving, she makes the best cakes! Hope you're enjoying your time away and getting some space to clear you're head. I love you! See you soon and stayed safe x'

His heart could burst with the amount of love and pride he had for his wife, that women was the absolute rock and love of his life. Quickly, he typed out his reply before going and sitting down. He rubbed his face in his hands and sighed. He knew what he needed to do.

Meredith sat the kitchen table, eating yet another piece of cake that Carolyn insisted that she ate, Amelia sitting next to her.

"Mom, you have got to tell me how you made this cake, it's amazing!" She ate another piece. "You know who would love this, Sop..." Meredith stopped herself before she said it. Amelia reached out and placed her hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

"Meredith dear, it's alright. We all do it, it's part of the healing process." Carolyn smiled warmly at Meredith who smiled sadly back at her. A loud knock at the door caused Meredith to frown before pushing her seat back and making her way towards the door.

She slowly pulled open the door and found Derek standing at the door.

"Derek, what are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon at least." She took his bag off him and allowed him to walk into the house.

"I needed to come home, I know I said I needed space but I truly just needed to be with you." He cupped her face in his hands and brushed his lips against hers, passionately. Smiling as he heard him moan in response. Meredith finally pulled apart, her face in a grimace.

"Not the look I was expecting after that kiss." Derek scoffed as he watched Meredith laugh and slap his shoulder.

"No, the kiss was amazing. But you smell like fish, you need to go shower and change, now please." She quickly pushed him towards the stairs and then moved back into the kitchen.

"Was that Derbear? Didn't think we would be back so soon." Amelia questioned as she sat crossed leg on the side.

"Yeah, he decided to come home." Meredith smiled to herself and Carolyn smiled as she watched the sparkle return her daughters eyes for the first time in a long time. They continued their conversation until Derek finally joined them again.

Derek was immediately drawn to Meredith's side pressing a kiss to the side of her head before moving to Carolyn and kissing her head, hugging her tight. Then he moved to Amelia where he playfully shoved her off the side. She was quick to move round and start playfully hitting one another before they eventually stopped laughing at one another.

"You two have never grown up at all, you've always been like this." Carolyn rolled her eyes, smiling still, as she dried her hands on the closest tea towel. Derek eventually made his way back over to Meredith, standing behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist.

They stood together and laughed, for the first time in a while things felt normal, whatever that was anymore.

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