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ok everyone! So if you're reading this, you've made it to the end of this short story thing I wrote! Yay! Let me know if you liked it, but here's a little summary on what this made up ability Oralie has is.

So in short, whenever Oralie is in a life threatening situation, this cold voice thing makes one of the elves around her die. Now again, of course this doesn't make much sense, but it's just fan fiction ;). Oralie let this said voice in when her parents died (which if anyone wants to why or how I can write more) and now it inflicts death on others. Oralie can't control, or ignore this voice, it just comes out whenever it feels it needs to. The voice is more of a whisper Oralie hears in her head, and when the voice is talking to her, time stops, until she makes the choice. Then once she chooses, time 'unfreezes'. This voice also doesn't allow Oralie to allow herself to die, becsue it enojoys watching her guilt build up over the people who have been lost because of her. In a way, knowing that all theses people are gone because of her is a worse punishment than death! Lovely. So, has this said voice protected from death Oralie time and time again? Yes. But has this voice also killed 2 others in the process? Yes again 😃. Honestly I haven't really thought of a way to get rid of the voice, but maybe I'll find something later :). But for now, Oralie is stuck living in fear of whenever the voice will next come out and pick its next prey. Anyways, this was really fun to write, and thank you for reading! ily <3 -mallowmellt

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