Fraternal Relationship [Lucifer, Mammon]

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This is a platonic story!

Slight spoilers for lesson 33.

"Hey, Lucifer."

"Hm?" Lucifer's gaze shifts up to you, leaving the book in his hands unattended. Seeing his responsive attitude, you sit down right beside him on the couch in the music room. You have called the oldest brother's attention following a thought that has been on your mind for a few days now.

"You remember the time loop incident because of Levi's game, right?" You wait for him to confirm it, which he does, and then continue. "Well, you've been quite soft with Mammon since then, haven't you?" A little smile makes way onto your face when you see him rise a questioning eyebrow.

"What even are you on about?" His face is the graphic description of murder right now, so you doubt if you should really keep the conversation going. But you persist, because you know he'd never hurt you. Probably?

"Do you really want me to elaborate?" You put on the smuggest grin you can muster, ready to make his soft side pop out. A little teasing won't hurt. "OK, then–"

"Stop it," Lucifer interrupts you, already aware of your intentions. His gaze return to the book he was reading, completely ignoring your presence. You sit beside him for a while and let him read in peace. Your eyes never leave him though, and Lucifer knows it, but he continues to read. Or try to, because what you said has caused him to start wondering if maybe it is true.

Of course, Lucifer has always had a soft spot for Mammon, even Simeon says it. Mammon is the second strongest, just below him, and even though he may be a greedy scumbag he always thinks of his brothers. Mammon often says he wouldn't waste anything on them, then proceeds to pay for their meal out when he gets his hands on a good amount of money after a gambling session. He's just like that, a softie trying to pass for a badass. The second-born really hadn't changed much since his angel days.

Nowadays, Lucifer would let Mammon off the hook more often than before. Even when Lucifer catches him searching through his stuff for something valuable to sell, there's no punishment. Neither is there one when Mammon comes back with a massive debt after a failed bet with some witches. Grades seemed to be forgotten too, for the oldest never reproach him for how bad they are anymore. Ironically, that made Mammon start working more on his studies. He even asked you to help him with the homework instead of just copying it. Proof that reverse psychology works, you often thought.

The thing is, it's undoubtedly true what Mammon said has caused Lucifer to grow even softer for his younger brother. And you aren't about to let things go so easily. You finally have something to fluster him with and you are going to use it. Even if it costs you your life. Hopefully not, though.

"Lucifer, you haven't flipped the page in like–" You check the clock on the wall– "fifteen minutes. Is it that interesting?" You joke, trying to annoy him enough to turn his attention to you. Attempt successful, for he now has turned his entire body towards you, his eyes throwing daggers.

"Do you not have a life?" It isn't much of a question, but more of a statement.

"No, not really," you shrug. "So anyway, you really liked what Mammon said, huh? You even avoid talking about it." The grin you're wearing is ticking Lucifer off, but he tries to stay calm for your sake and his pride's sake. Out of nowhere, one of his hands caress your cheek slightly, flustering you a bit. "What?"

"Dear, what exactly are you searching for?" The demon asks lowly, clearly trying to make your fight-or-flight senses kick in. His face wears a smile but his eyes clearly say "go away or perish". But you've been beside him for too long for that to work anymore, you know his tricks. So you lean into his touch, the largest smile he has ever seen plastered on your face.

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