Feelings [Asmodeus]

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It's been days since you haven't seen Asmodeus, which is a strange event for you. Usually he would be around you every time he could, be it cuddling up with you or just holding your hands in his. But lately he hasn't even spoken a word in your direction and you are starting to worry you did something wrong.

You send him a text through your DDD asking him to meet up, but he doesn't answer right away like normally. You wait five, ten minutes, until you recieve a notification after twenty minutes of waiting. His text reads simply "Can't, I'm busy".

A sigh escapes your lips. What did you do to upset him? You couldn't recall anything you had said or done that was out of the ordinary for you. Not any mean remarks or actions. So what is it that happened? Did he got bored of you? That's the only logical explanation you could think of.

Belphegor walks in the living room just as you sigh, catching his attention. "Is something up?" he asks curiously and takes a sit beside you on the couch.

"I think Asmo got bored of me." Your answer makes Belphegor raise his eyebrows in surprise, just to frown seconds after. "He hasn't been around lately and he doesn't even text me. He's avoiding me," you tell him, noticing his doubt.

"I'll go talk to him." Belphegor stands up, but you quickly grab his arm.

"Please don't," you plead, your grip tightening. "I don't want to trouble anyone and I'm the one who should confront him. I'm just kind of scared he really got bored of me, that's why I haven't done it yet." Your explanation seems to make sense to the demon. He sits back next to you, a hand on your head.

"Asmo can be an ass sometimes..." he murmurs, his eyes looking off somewhere. "Just talk to him, I'm sure it's not what you think it is." After patting your head, he takes his leave.

Once more alone with your thoughts, you end up planning the possible outcomes of the confrontation. You prepare yourself for the bad news to avoid being catched off guard by him and to try and make it hurt less. Keyword is 'try'. You know you'll end up hurt if the outcome is bad, wether you already knew about it or not.

After some minutes, you make your way to Asmodeus' room. You knock on the door with your sweaty hands and wait for the Avatar of Lust to answer. However, the door never opens. You knock again, this time louder.

"Satan, leave me alone!" Asmodeus shouts from inside the bedroom. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it!"

"Asmo, it's me." The door swings open seconds after, a shocked expression on the demon's face. It soon drops and is replaced with a soft frown, his lips pouting slightly.

"(Y/n)..." he mumbles.

"I know you said you were busy, but..." You stop unable to continue. Now that you are here in front of him, you don't know how to approach the issue. Be direct or try with some indirect comments? You sigh for what seems the hundreth time this day and hug yourself to get some comfort. "We need to talk."

"Now's not really a good moment, (Y/n)." He crosses his arms and averts his gaze to the side, avoiding your eyes.

"Lately it is never a good moment for you, Asmo," you counter angrily. Guess you'll have to be direct. "You're never around anymore, you don't even talk to me and when I try to approach you, you always say you're busy!" you yell, unable to contain your bottled up feelings. "If you're bored of me just say it already!"

"Wh--! Why would you think that!?" Asmodeus stutters defensively.

"Why?! I just told you why!" At this point you're sure everyone heard you scream from how loud you were. You grit your teeth, feeling your body boiling. "People have feelings, you can't just discard them whenever you get bored of them!"

Asmodeus stands wordlessly, his body stiff. Despite the anger on your voice he can clearly see how hurt you are. And to think it is his fault makes him feel the worst demon alive. "I didn't intend to," he exhales sadly, reaching out to grab your hand.

"You're an egocentric idiot," you sob and step back slightly, enough to get out of his reach. You feel the wetness of the tears on your flaming cheeks and quickly dry them away. Perfect, now you were crying. This wasn't going at all how you had planned it.

For a while, all that is heard are your sobs. Asmodeus waits patiently until you calm down to give you a much needed hug, which you accept without even thinking.

"(Y/n), it wasn't my intention to make you feel like this," the demon confesses. "You make me feel things I never imagined I'd feel, and i was afraid of that so I avoided you."

You tense up at his words. "What do you--".

"I think I'm starting to love you more than I love myself..." he mutters. Strangely enough, his innate confidence seems to have faded away. He's slouched over, his amber eyes not meeting yours and more importantly, his blush is unmatchable. Seeing Asmodeus in this state is totally new to you, so it makes it all the more awkward.

"So, you aren't bored of me...?" you breath out, feeling stupid for your previous outburst.

"How could I? You're amazing and beautiful, I hit the jackpot with you," Asmodeus laughs softly.

You reach for his hand and intertwine your fingers with his. You can't help but let out a chuckle as you lean your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for yelling and saying you were egocentric," you apologize genuinely.

"You also called me an idiot."

"That you are."

Asmodeus pouts but laughs nonetheless. You look up at him, your puffy eyes from all the crying locking with his gorgeous ones. Softly, you plant a kiss on his cheek and retreat with a smile.

"I love you, too, Asmo." You caress the place where you kissed him with one of your hands, admiring his lovely features. "There's nothing wrong with loving someone. Love is something beautiful. Yeah, sometimes you get hurt. But all the good things make up for it."

"I guess as long as it's with you..." Asmodeus starts "... there's nothing for me to fear."

"Why were you telling Satan to go away before?" you question with amusement. You are currently in Asmodeus' bed cuddling, just relaxing while talking about all the things you couldn't talk these past days.

"Oh, he was trying to make me accept my feelings," Asmodeus answers simply.

"Of course he would." You giggle imagining the scene. Satan was just too smart to not know what was up. "Was he helpful, though?"

Asmodeus' face scrunches up slightly. "Yeah, just too pesky."

You laugh again, this time louder. The demon also lets out a chuckle, his pinkish–amber eyes never once leaving your figure. His smile grows when you unconsciously lean into his touch.

'Never again am I going to leave you,' he thinks to himself, admiring your every feature.

the reader is a bit dramatic, i know and i'm sorry 😔

sorry for taking so long to update, i'm dry of ideas :( i even rewrote this one like four times because i didn't like how it went lol

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