Comfort [Beelzebub]

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Who knew there were also thunderstorms in the Devildom? You surely didn't. So when the first thunder hit the ground with a heavy and sharp sound, you were beyond surprised. Thunderstorms were never your thing. Lightning and rain were fine to you, but the thunders... You dreaded thunders. It would have been fine if it stopped before bedtime, since you could endure it when accompanied. However, the thunderstorm continued long into the night, preventing Morpheus from paying you a visit.

You are currently rolling and tossing around your bed, doing your best to keep the loud sounds you fear so much to reach your ears. Needless to say, it's useless how much you try. The noise always finds its way into your brain, even through the earphones. You even tried using ear plugs, but they didn't work very well. Besides, hearing your own thunderous heartbeat along with the thunders outside made your fear much worse.

Deciding you were not going to be able to sleep tonight, you get up from your comfy bed and throw a blanket over your shoulders. You make your way outside your room, not bothering closing the door after you, and head towards the kitchen. Maybe you'll find someone there. You secretly hoped to find Beelzebub, your favorite among the brothers. You loved them all, but Beelzebub gained himself a special place in your heart.

As if hearing your prayers, the tall and always-hungry demon appears before you hunched over the fridge, presumably searching for a late night snack. You let out a quiet sigh of relief and a soft smile forms on your lips. "Beel, good to see you," you greet him and approach him, your hold on the blanket subconsciously loosening as your muscles relax.

"Hey, Y/N," he greets back with a wide smile. "Want some custard?" he offers you kindly, handing the food out to you. You take it with a small 'thank you' and stand with him until he finished collecting all the food he could find. Knowing how much food meant to him, you were grateful he even offered you some of his beloved food. You both sit at the table on the center of the kitchen and make small talk.

The thunders have kept quiet for a while now, and you were confident they have finally stopped. You still decide to stay for a while long to chat with Beel, with the rain as background sound. You were enjoying the current conversation and didn't want for it to end so quickly.

"I can't believe Lucifer really did that," you chuckle at Beel's story. He was telling you about the time when all seven brothers went to the beach along with Diavolo and Barbatos. Of course, Lucifer, the soon-to-be King of the Devildom and the last one's butler enjoyed their time away from the other six brothers. What made you laugh though, was the fact that Lucifer went to the extent of acting as if he didn't know them when they got in trouble. You were cackling, your eyes watery from all the laughing.

"It was a shock for us, too. But he later punished us so I guess it's cool," Beel finishes the story with a shrug, making you laugh one last time before rubbing the tears out of your eyes. He smiles at your cute flushed laughing face.

However, it quickly drops when a very loud thunder resonates through the house, even causing the windows to vibrate, and your expression contorts into one of extreme fear. You quick and unexpectedly reach for his arm and grab it roughly, your gaze lost somewhere.

"Are... you okay?" Beelzebub asks worried, putting his free hand on your shoulder and squeezing it lightly.

After a few seconds, your eyes turn to meet his purple ones. You nod slowly, unsure on what to say to not make him worry. "I'm just a little scared of thunders, that's all..." you trail off in a low voice, tightening your hold on his arm as another thunder is heard.

"It's okay, I'm here." Beelzebub's free arm hugs you, holding you close to his body in a comforting manner. Once you let go of your tight grip on his forearm, both his arms lock behind your back. Your face is buried on his chest and you can feel his hot breath on your neck. The thunders still rumble outside, but you feel safe in the warm demon's embrace.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up until so late," you apologize gloomily. The lack of sleep was getting to you already so you started to feel quite down. It's so unfair of you to keep him up just for your own good, you wanted to cry for being such a scaredy-cat.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you're not well eitherway, so you don't have to apologize," Beelzebub assures you while caressing your hair. He kisses the top of your head and rubs soothing circles on your back. Everytime a thunder came, you would become smaller under his arms and bury your head deeper on his chest. The demon did his best to try and soothe you, and he really made you feel better. But it wasn't enough.

"Beel, you should go to sleep..." you mumble quietly. "I'll be fine, don't worry." You didn't really sound fine. Even if he did make you feel better, you still couldn't shake the fear off. Beelzebub couldn't leave you all alone knowing how much the thunderstorm affected you, it just wasn't in him to do that.

"I'm not leaving you. If I go to sleep, you're coming with me," the demon announces sternly, getting up from his seat and picking you up like a koala. Your legs subconsciously wrap around his torso to prevent yourself from falling, despite knowing Beelzebub would never drop you. After all, he's strong as hell. You can even feel his perfectly shaped muscles through the thick blanket enveloping you. "Is it okay if I sleep in your room tonight?" His voice hesitates as he starts heading to your bedroom.

"I'd be happy if you do." A small smile makes its way on your face, the calmed motion of Beelzebub's pace relaxing you. You reach your bedroom and you find yourself neatly tucked into your sheets. Luckily for you, the thunderstorm has started to fade into the distance. In some minutes it will probably go away completely, letting you sleep peacefully. Still, Beelzebub gladly stood by your side and slept beside you when you asked him to.

Now with Beelzebub holding you sweetly and feeling his warmth fill your body, you could finally fall asleep. You have found your comfort in his arms.

nothing like writing some good fluff during a thunderstorm in the middle of the night

anyway, first one-shot! hope you like it ^^

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