Caring [Barbatos]

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For the first time since you got down here, the ever so loyal butler isn't right beside his lord. Or anywhere near, really. As Diavolo has informed you, Barbatos is feeling unwell so he decided to give the butler a very needed day off so he can rest at the castle. Hopefully, he says, it's not something grave, since demons don't easily get sick. Yet you can't help but worry about his wellbeing, especially when he is probably refusing help from the other workers at the castle and taking care of himself all alone.

So when you find an opportunity to leave school early —even if it means a punishment by Lucifer later that day— you take it, and rush to the castle in aid for the butler. The servants open the door for you, recognizing you without difficulty from the many times you've been over, and let you roam freely around the castle after informing you of the lord's absence. However, you make a bee-line towards the butler's room, ignoring the servants comments to "better leave him alone".

You knock once on the door, waiting for an answer. The next time you knock thrice as the impatience starts getting to you. What if something happened? What if he was unconscious and nobody even knew? Again, he could just be asleep but your pessimistic side is getting the best of you. After all, demons rarely get sick. But when the door opens revealing a very disheveled Barbatos looking as confused as ever, you put all your bad thoughts aside and go straight to him.

The hug lasts a few seconds, the demon too dumbfounded to reciprocate it. He blinks at you sleepily when you release him as the situation registers in his brain. You can pinpoint the exact moment it happens, for his eyebrows shot up as his eyes widden, and he let's his mouth hang agape. He calls your name, in surprise or in delight, you can't tell.

"What do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" His words are slightly slurred, and you can see even standing is difficult for him at the moment. So you just smile empathically, leading him back to the bed where he was sleeping moments before. Once you have settled him down, you explain what Diavolo told you and how worried you were, therefore deciding to pay him a visit during school hours to make sure everything was okay.

"I... I didn't think about bringing medicine or food, I'm sorry," you apologize sheepishly. Barbatos chuckles at your flushed face and raises a hand to cup your cheek. His thumb strokes softly under your eye, affection evident in his caress.

"Your presence is of most importance," he says as he stares at you. Now you are sure your face is probably hotter than his —even with the fever. You laugh nonetheless, kissing his forehead as you get up from your spot beside him.

"Still, I should get you something. I bet you haven't eaten yet, have you?" Your voice is light, careful to not speak too loud in case he has a headache —which he probably does.

"I admit, my morning has been spent sleeping," he states, his gaze bashfully averted.

"Then I'll go get you some medicine–" You stop in your tracks toward the door and turn to look at him. "Because demons take medicine, too, right?" He laughs at you, nodding his head affirmative.

"Though it's not the same as human medicine." You sigh relieved at his explanation, and listen closely at his directions to where the medicine is stored.

"I'll make you some soup as well!" you promise, trying to cheer him up, and with that go on your merry way towards the castle's kitchen.

You realize too late you have no idea where the utensils necessary to make soup are stored, nor if there are the ingredients to make said dish. Defeated, you ask a servant for help and are relieved to see there's actually everything and more.

Once you have everything settled, you grab the medicine and head back to the butler's room.  You make sure to set up a reminder on your D.D.D. for later so you can check on the soup and make sure it doesn't burn. For now, you have to procure the demon actually takes the medicine and rests while the soup is being cooked. Unsurprisingly, Barbatos doesn't fight at all to take the medicine —unlike some other demons at the House of Lamentation.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" you ask, ready to do whatever he asks for. For once, you want to give to him, make sure all his needs are met the same way he does everyday for his lord.

"Would it be selfish of me to ask for your care?" His response doesn't take long, his sick self only having one thing in mind: cuddles. Right after you chuckle, Barbatos opens aside the sheets on his bed to let you get in. You take off your shoes and immediately get under the covers, getting comfortable next to the demon. He uses your chest as a pillow, your calm heartbeat putting him to sleep. You end up almost falling asleep aswell, the monotonous act of caressing his hair lulling you.

When your alarm rings off, you get up to bring the demon his meal. You wake Barbatos —who surprisingly ignored the noise completely— and help him sit up, then feed him the soup as per his request. If he were any of the brothers you would think twice, as they would probably be taking advantage of your kind heart —it wouldn't be the first time, nor the last. But since it's Barbatos you can't get yourself to deny him, seeing as the man always does everything others ask of him. You can pamper him when he asks to, he deserves it.

You spend the next half an hour feeding him while you talk about your day and he listens closely, as he always does whenever you speak. The sound of your melodic voice is something he could never pass an opportunity to hear, that's something Barbatos has told you plenty of times. In response, you would blush and stutter an embarrassed "thank you", with a silly smile plastered on your face for the rest of the day.

"I can lend you my notes, if you need," you offer once you finish explaining what happened in class, "Though I'm sure Diavolo already promised you the same." The both of you share a laugh, him not confirming nor denying it. The room falls in a comfortable silence after and stays for the rest of the meal, with the only sounds being of the spoon occasionally clanking on the bowl.

Once he has finished, you set the tray where you brought everything aside on his nightstand. "I truly appreciate you," Barbatos says out of nowhere. Grabbing the spoon you dropped on the floor, you get ready to scold him for always catching you off guard and making you embarrassed. Yet when you lock eyes with him you can only feel warmth seeping from his sincere smile. You stay frozen in place with your eyes locked. His pupils are dilated, you notice, for his green eyes are now dominated by black. The scene looks like something out of one of your dreams, really.

Wait. You aren't dreaming, right?

You pinch your arm harshly and yelp in pain. Okay, not a dream. So now you have to deal with the extra embarrassment of having to explain to the demon in front of you why you did what you just did. "I–" you start, but his hearty chuckle shuts you up.

"It is indeed not a dream." He keeps chuckling to himself, your embarrassed self unable to stop him from doing so and joining him in the end. You keep gazing into each others eyes as the laughing dissipates into silence once again.

"I truly appreciate you, too." At your words, Barbatos' face forms the prettiest smile you have ever seen in your lifetime. He reaches out for your hand and puts it on his cheek, kissing your palm on its way. Have he not been ill he probably would have gone for your lips.

"I'm delighted to hear that." Your face is as flushed as it could be, yet you wear the silliest grin on your face. The happiness you are currently feeling overshadows the embarrassment his words and actions brings you. Gathering all the courage you can manage, you return the kiss to his feverish forehead —now it's his turn to blush.

You completely ignore the multiple lost calls pilling on your forgotten D.D.D, and forget about the sure punishmnet that awaits you at the House of Lamentation. Right now all that matters is that Barbatos is sleeping his sickness away in your arms, and that you're going to stay with him for as long as he lets you.


Requested by DizzyandKokoo

I needed fluff, so I wrote this. Haven't been feeling my best due to life but I'll try to write more :)

I hope you liked it!

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