Bottom of the Question [Leviathan]

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Levi's butt has always been your weakness. Even before you started dating, your eyes would naturally find his rear when he would walk past you, be it during a gaming session or at dinner, it didn't matter one bit.

Now that you two are dating, well, things haven't changed much. Just now you can also touch it. And oh, boy, does that make a difference. Its softness is notorious even by eye, but touching Levi's bottom feels like heaven; it's what you've always thought clouds would feel like. Leviathan's butt is just majestic. So soft, so plump. You don't even know how he manages to have such a perfect rear, but you'd be lying if you denied thanking God, the Lord and the universe together for it.

For Levi though, it isn't that big a deal. It's not strange for him to startle everytime you touch his butt. Even a slight caress causes goosebumps to rise through his skin. He just can't wrap his mind around someone actually liking something about him, much less his bottom. So everytime you grab a handful of it while cuddling and tell him how much you like it, he becomes more and more skeptical. In Levi's mind you are probably just joking or trying to embarrass him, so it's really a matter of time for the bomb to explode.

Today happens to be movie night in the House of Lamentation. All brothers gathered at the living room along with you, each of you finding a seat on the couches. It's no surprise for you to sit near Levi, but showing affection outside of his room is a total no go so you keep your hands to yourself. Most of the time, at least.

Somewhere near the middle of the movie you find your hand seated on Leviathan's thigh, kneading softly at the meat in time with the movie's background music. You assume he is too engrossed in the movie to notice since he hasn't swatted your hand away yet. Ever so slowly, as if pulled by a stronger force, your hand moves sideways until it reaches what it wanted all along. And so you squeeze. Quite hard, let me say.

"STOP THAT!" With a jump, Levi has risen from the couch. He doesn't intend on yelling but his voice betrays him. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS TOUCHING MY BUTT?!" The room falls silent at his words and someone pauses the movie.

"Levi, calm down..." you stutter out, embarrassed since all eyes were on you now.

"No, you calm down!" Leviathan counters. "How would you feel if I kept touching your butt?!" You blush at his words, the scenario more appealing to you than he imagines, but you don't say anything. Instead, it's Asmodeus who speaks in your place.

"Oh my! Can I join?" He says way too excited. It seems that was the only thing needed for Levi to realize the situation at hand. His face lights up in cherry red and you swear you can see steam coming from his ears. It's a miracle he doesn't pass out.

"What is going on?" Belphegor asks dumbfounded, as he has just awoken from his slumber.

"I don't even know." Beelzebub says.

You cough quite loudly, standing up and grabbing Leviathan's hand. "If you'll excuse us, we'll be leaving for tonight." You make your exit as quickly as possible, leaving behind an angry Mammon yelling at you to explain yourselves and a pouting Asmo. You hear Lucifer tell Mammon to shut it if he didn't want to "face the consequences", and the movie night continues soon enough for the rest of the brothers.

For you and Levi, you end up in his bedroom. The silence is awkward, with only the sound of water from the fish tank filling the room. You open your mouth but close it after a few seconds, not knowing what to say. You don't want the ambient to worsen, so you end up speaking the first thing that comes to mind.

"I wouldn't mind it if you touched my butt." Your face has a blank expression on it until you notice what you said, your cheeks becoming aflame. Sure, it is true, but you didn't intend on saying it, much less at a time like this.

His face shows hurt, eyes widening slightly. "It's not funny, I just embarrassed myself in front of my entire family!"

"I'm not making fun of this?" you say confused. "I really wouldn't mind..."

"You w-wouldn't?" Levi blinks in surprise, face flushing once more. You nod your head as a chuckle leaves your lips.

"It's only fair, right?" You send a wink his way. The demon just looks away flustered, hair covering his eyes, while he fiddles with the zipper of his jacket.

"S-still, you haven't answered me." He pouts slightly, his eyes darting to you nervously every once in a while. "About w-why..."

"Why I touch your butt so much?" You continue for him. "Well, it's not really hard to understand. I just like your butt. Like, I really really like how it feels." You motion grabbing hold of something with your hands, a silly smile on your face. "It's so soft!"

Leviathan whimpers in embarrassment and covers his face with his hands. "This is too much! I can't take it!" You use the oportunity to approach him and engulf him in a thight hug, continuing on praising him and his rear.

"I love you so much I want to hold you forever!" you laugh, tightening your hold around his waist. Finally, he uncovers his face and wraps his arms around your neck. But being the shy demon he is, his face finds a home on your shoulder. You can even feel the heat radiating from it.

"I love you, too." You can't hear it very well at first from how low he says it, so you ask him to repeat it. And when he does you feel your heart do a back-flip on your chest, and then a carthweel and a somersault. It's beating so fast you think it's gonna burst. You would be worried of having a heart-attack if not for the happiness you are currently feeling. You'd welcome death with a big smile as long as you were still in his embrace when it arrived. It's not like it's going to happen now, anyway.

And like a natural instinct, your hands move downwards to Levi's bottom. A groan leaves him, followed by a sigh and a small "okay". That's when you feel one of his hands on your rear too, not squeezing or touching, just awkwardly sitting there. But you feel so proud of him, you grab his face and smooch all over it for the rest of the night.

In between, you play some games, of course.

Requested by robobitch_

I've been in a Genshin Impact brainrot and I couldn't for dear life get myself to write for anything that wasn't Genshin related so I apologize for it lol

Hope you liked this!

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