Flash [Leviathan]

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"Damn..." you mutter under your breath at the sight in front of you: Leviathan crouching down looking for a piece of one of his figurines that fell under his desk. It would be good enough as is, but luckily for you the demon is wearing gray sweatpants instead of his usual black ones. He really is showing his assets off.

You swiftly take your D.D.D from your pocket and open the camera app. Yes, that's a disgusting behavior, but when else would you be able to have such a wonderful sight? You might as well die without seeing it ever again, only having the image engraved in your mind. A little photo wouldn't hurt anyone and you're going to save it for yourself.

So you prepare your camera, tilting your D.D.D to capture the perfect photo. You don't even listen to Leviathan's rambling about his dear Ruri-chan figurine. You press the button, your eyes concentrating on what you considered to be the best part of the image. A bright light follows and you can only stare at the boy's wide eyes looking back at you.

"Wh-What was that?" Leviathan exclaims, turning fully towards you.

"Uuh... My phone's flashlight lit up," you babble out the first thing that comes to your mind. A tight smile creeps up to your face at the awkward silence that fills the room, Leviathan's expression showing clearly his skepticism.

"That... That didn't look like a flashlight..." he counters incredulous.

"It didn't?"

"No?" You fall silent, trying to think of something to say. Your mouth falls open but closes again when nothing comes out.

A nervous laugh escapes your mouth and you cough a little to clear your throat. Your eyes look everywhere and nowhere at the same time, only focused on avoiding Leviathan's own eyes at all costs.

"(Y/n) d-did you–"

"No," you quickly cut him off. "Um, maybe?" Leviathan rushes straight for your D.D.D, but you shove it out of his reach. You start a little wrestling match when he tries to hold you down to get to your device, which you keep away from him.

"Let me see!" he commands you, but you keep on squirming. With his patience nearing its end, Leviathan directs his hands to your stomach. He pulls up your hoodie enough to reveal your belly and start moving his fingers. A tickle fight has broke out.

You laugh histerically, moving side to side while trying to pry away from his ticklish hands. You struggle with your arms and your legs but it's no use, Leviathan has a good grip on you and he's not letting you go any time soon. "Sto... Stop! Pf- Please!" you shout breathless.

With one of your harsh movements your D.D.D flies off of your grasp, crashing against a wall. The noise makes both of you stop immediately, heads snapping towards it. You gasp when you notice the device on the floor and a dent on the wall. Leviathan hurries off of you so you can go and examine the damage.

"Oh Lord."

"What?" the demon exclaims nervously.

"This things are indestructible!" you beam. You show him the device, not even a scratch on it. The wall, on the other hand has a big dent where the D.D.D hit. But maybe if he puts a poster up it will go unnoticed? You surely hope so.

You hand Leviathan the D.D.D for him to see if everything works while you search his bookshelves for a poster. Knowing the demon, you are sure he has some posters around. You see some manga, various TSL editions and a lot of Ruri-chan figurines, among other things. Something catches your attention on one of the shelves so you reach for it. 'Nice! Finally a poster–!'

"Oh my Lord you did take a photo!" Leviathan yells from behind you, face all red from embarrassment.

'Shit,' you think 'my phone.'

"I'm deleting it!"

"Don't!" You launch towards him, but he easily dodges you. After all, living with his brothers is a good training for his dodging abilities. You chase him through the room, eventually leaving his bedroom into the House of Lamentation's halls.

And so, the chase continued for hours. Until Lucifer put everything in order, that is. What happened to the photo you ask? The demon was able to delete it successfully, making you mourn the loss of such a beautiful view.

At least it remained intact in your head...

...and in your copy files.

levi has a nice rear and you can't tell me otherwise

also don't take photos of people without their consent pals this is just fiction and for fun

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