Reading [Satan]

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You wriggle on the couch you're currently sitting in, in an attempt to make yourself comfortable. Beside you is Satan, trying to ignore your fidgetting while reading his book. You haven't stopped moving since the reading session started, which irked the demon tremendously.

It isn't a good day for you. You have been feeling down all morning without any apparent reason, and your evening wasn't going any better. Your hormones decided to act up, you guessed. However, you didn't want to turn down Satan's offer of reading together –after all, it's not every day you get to spend time with your favourite demon. He's a busy one.

You let out small huffs and sighs every once in a while, the current scene in the book not really pleasurable to read for you. It's filled with drama and more drama, unsurprising of a romance novel like it is. You get to your limit when the protagonist decides to leave the love of her life because of some stupid rumour that got around their city about them. You try to breathe calmly, stopping the reading whenever you felt the tears coming out during the heartfelt farewell. But it doesn't work, as you start to sob when the protagonist's partner does.

It takes some time for your companion to register the noises as sobs but when he does, Satan immediately turns to you. Soon, you look back at him with trembling lips and a frown etched on your face. "She let her go," you cry out, your index finger pointing to the open book on your lap. You slowly let your head fall to the blond's shoulder, hugging his torso and burying your head on the crook of his neck. "She doesn't deserve that," you keep on sobbing softly.

Meanwhile, Satan stays shocked with his hands in the air. He doesn't know what to do. Should he hug you back? Should he just pat your head? Or were you expecting some kind words out of him? He's so lost. It's the first time he has seen someone so close to him cry, and it makes him sick just seeing you like this. And he doesn't even know why you're crying!

Thinking quickly, he settles for slow, soothing rubs on your back. Some of the characters in books he had read did that, so he thinks it might be appropiate. When he feels you relax slightly, he relaxes too, letting go of the air he was holding unconsciously. 'Thanks Lord, it worked,' he thinks relieved.

Finally, after a few minutes of crying, you separate from him. Your cheeks are still wet and your eyes look red and puffy, but Satan can't help but think how cute you look like that. So vulnerable and fragile, just for him to see.

Still sniffling, you apologize for your burst. "I don't know what happened, it wasn't even that sad..." you say, your eyes averting to the book now on the floor. "I guess I really shouldn't read sad things when I'm already feeling down," you laugh half-heartedly, embarrassment filling you.

Satan frowns, this new bit of information annoying him. "Why were you feeling down?"

"No reason." You shrug. The confused expression Satan gives you prompts you to elaborate on your statement. "Sometimes people just feel down. It's nothing out of the ordinary," you explain, wiping the remaining tears away. "It's just really bothersome."

He dabs at your cheeks with a kleenex to clean you up. "So you really had no reason?"

"Yep, none at all."

Satan stays silent for a bit until he speaks up again, his voice much calmer now. "Next time just come to me if you're feeling down. You can tell me what's bothering you, or..." He clears his throat slightly, "...we can just cuddle, since I read it helps," he murmurs, his face tinted slightly red. "But come to me."

A smile breaks through on your face, his wholesome words brightening your mood. An affectionate Satan is kind of rare. You throw yourself into his arms while chuckling. "Thanks, Satan! I'll make sure to come to you."

His arms make their way around your body, hugging you back. Relief overtook him the moment he heard your laugh but being able to hug you is what got him. Having you in his arms is all he wants. He could spend the eternity like this and he wouldn't mind.

When you part from the hug, you give him a peck on the cheek as a thank you gesture. You get up and stretch your body, suddenly overtaken by hungry. "Let's go eat something!"

"Really? Crying makes you hungry?" The demon laughs and joins you on your way out of the library. You nod eagerly and grab a hold of Satan's hand, pulling him faster with you.

"It'll be my treat!" you beam. And of course, how can he resist you?

It's been so long since I last posted something lol Sorry for the wait! I really have no excuse, just couldn't think of anything to write.

Anyways, a really short fluffy Satan one since I haven't written anything about him before uwu

Also, 1k reads?? I'm actually kind of shocked, I didn't expect this to get to much people. Thank you very much for reading and for voting! As always, if you want me to write about something leave a request on the respective page, don't be shy! I need some ideas~ TwT

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