chapter 10

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The table immediately went silent, even Sapnap went silent. What do I not know?

It seemed as the whole cafeteria went silent with his table. Karl widening his eyes and lip-synced to apologize to Clay.

"Shit sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked that." Clay's eyes stayed at his tapping feet. He looked as he was hiding tears.

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't have." He was trying to not cry.

"I seriously mean it, I'm sorry. It wasn't my place to ask in the first place. It's your business that I shouldn't have budged in. I'm sorry."

Clay didn't respond, instead, he got up from the table and ran off, wiping tears. Shit.

George sat at the table while everyone just stared at him like he had something he had to do, "What?"

"Go after him, dude! Comfort him."Sapnap replied to Georges confusion,

"Ah shit, right, okay be right back." He threw his backpack over his shoulder once again and ran off to find Clay. The first logical place to check was the room, so he did so.

Once he got there, he heard sobbing from inside the room. He guessed it was Clay so he knocked before going in,

"What?" Clays voice replied,

George walked in and set his bag on the floor and awkwardly went over to Clay to sit with him in an attempt to comfort him.

"I know it doesn't seem like a genuine apology because I've been a total asshole ever since I got here, but I'm actually sorry. I don't apologize to anyone I'm not actually sorry for. It wasn't okay for me to just randomly budge in and ask a question that didn't need to be asked, but curiosity got the best of me before I could stop myself. I'm sorry, and even if we still hate each other by the end of this, I'm always here for you if you need it."

George let out a huge sign before looking back at Clay again. Instead of a face full of tears, his face had a genuine smile on it.

"Thanks, sorry for being 'assholey' to you. I just wasn't in the right headspace. I hope we're good now?" Clays smile stayed on his face,

"Yeah," George took a second to examine the boy's face, "we're good."

"Alright then," Clay got up from his bed and cleaned himself off, "wanna go back to them?"

"Yeah," George responded simply. George grabbed his backup before closing the door and walked back to the cafeteria with Clay.

"Look who's back," Sapnap stopped for a few seconds, looking them both up and down, "why do you guys look so happy? And how come you guys aren't ten feet apart?"

George laughed as he sat down, "We should be fine, for now." George laughed then once again rested his palm on his cheek.

Sapnap and Karl started whispering to each other. Oh God, what now. Now they were giggling with each other, catching glances at him and Clay.

"Why are you guys giggling so much?"

"You guys would be cute together, wouldn't you be?" The bell rung before either of them had a chance to respond. He completely ignored the question and asked where his fifth-period class was.

"I have English next, follow me." They both left, hearing the voices of Clay explaining where Sapnap's next class was fade behind them.

"So how do you feel about Clay?" Karl nudged George's arm. Whys he asking such weird questions-? "Um, well I guess we're friends now."

"Anything else?" He dragged out 's'.

"No Karl." George laughed

They proceeded to walk to their fifth-period class discussing random thoughts that came to their mind.


After the last period, George walked back to his room. He planned on sleeping as soon as he got there.

Once he arrived, Karl and Sapnap had already been there, laughing at something, probably something dumb.

He walked over to his bed and realized Clay still hadn't come back from class.

"Wheres Clay?"

They slowly stopped laughing and Karl responded, "I dunno, I saw him last a lunch." Karl looked over at Sapnap, "You were with him last, have you seen him?"

"Nope, as soon as he told me where my next class, it looked like he was walking to his next class." Sapnap shrugged.

Karl looked worried, "He's normally always here before me. I was laughing with Sapnap so much I didn't even notice"

"I'm sure he's okay," George reassured, "he's probably just at the library or with a friend."

"Maybe." Karl started picking at his fingers. George could tell he was definitely still worried.

He went over to where Karl and Sapnap were and sat down on the floor next to them, "I promise he's alright," George put his hand on Karl's shoulder, "there's no reason to be worried."

"Okay, that's true I guess. Sorry."

"No need to apologize." George smiled as he got back up and went to his bed once again.

It seemed as George calmed down Karl as he was back to his usual laughing state with Sapnap. He hadn't had any homework he knew of yet so he decided he would take a little nap.

*Two hour time pass*

George woke up to the sound of close breathing. He just thought it was his own breathing until he realized the smell of the breath. It smelt of beer, he opened his eyes to see Clay cuddled in with him.

What the fuck-

He quickly woke him up being flustered that Clay was sleeping right next to him. He woke up quickly, seeing as he was never asleep in the first place.

"Hey," his words were slurred, "I didn't even get the chance to fall asleep~"

George looked around for anyone in the room besides Clay and him, to find no one else. Where the fuck are Sapnap and Karl.

"Clay, how the fuck did you even get drunk in the first place."

"I texted someone to get me something to drink." He laughed,

"How? I thought we aren't allowed phones at school?"

"I gave her my old phone so I can text whoever I want, whenever I want. I just hide my phone," He pointed a finger at his forehead, "big brain!" He laughed again.

George rolled his eyes, "And why are you in bed with me?!" He quickly got out of bed, cleaning himself off as if Clay had peed on him.

"You remind me of him." Clays words were still slurred.



hihihi, sorry for the really late post. today was the pink moon do i wanted to manifest, it didn't go well at first, but i picked it up later (:. if you manifested, i hope your manifestations work!

anyway, have you ate or drank water today? if not, please go do, you deserve it! and if you can't right now, i'm still proud of you for getting through the day! i know you've heard it a million times and you may not believe it, but i promise with everything that have, it gets better. even if it doesn't seem it, it does. remember your never alone and i'm always by your side and never plan on leaving you. if you ever need it, my dms are always open if you need someone to talk too<3. i love you and always remember your valid!

have a good rest of your day/night <3

(lmk if there's an typos or if i forgot any TW's)

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