chapter 12

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The whole town center trip was Karl and Sapnap in front, while Clay and George brought up random topics such as family and friends back home. But Clay noticed George never mentioned himself and what he was like back home.

"What about you though, what'd you do in your free time?"

George scratched the back of his head, fuck random boys drunk, "Uh, I dunno. What usual teenage boys do."

"Well, I played Minecraft, so I don't know what usual teenage boys did." He laughed, but George didn't laugh along, he looked nervous.

Clay stopped laughing after he noticed, "Are you okay?" Clay felt bad for whatever he said or did wrong,

"Can we talk about this later, when we're alone or something?"

"Yeah of course, sorry for asking."

"You're fine."

*back at rooms*

As soon as Karl and Sapnap said they were going to goof around the school, Clay immediately asked if they could talk about "it" now,


"So?" George raised an eyebrow

"How were you like back in your old town, you never talk about yourself."

George let a long pause occur before answering, "I dunno." He wasn't sure if Clay would look at him differently. He still hadn't fully gained his trust.

"George, look at me." George picked his eyes up from his fidgeting fingers,

"I won't think you're weird or bad for whatever you did back home."

"Are you sure?" Clay nodded, now feeling nervous of what George would spit out,

George took a deep breath, "My family wasn't very supportive of me being gay so as I grew up, I gained unhealthy habits."

"Like what?"

"Well," he faltered, "I started drinking, getting high whatever, then fucking a random guy at a party, then forget about it the next morning, then move onto the next guy."

"Oh," How was Clay supposed to reply to this. He finally broke the silence after thirty seconds, "but why?"

"As a coping mechanism, since I was never getting the attention I wanted at home, I would just go to a party and catch eye contact with a dude and it would go on from there." George still hadn't looked back up from his bed since the conversation started,

"Well doesn't mean I'll look at you differently. I guess we all cope differently," Clay shrugged, "I'm always here for you if you need it too."

George nodded in relief, "Thanks." You could see a soft smile grow on his face, it was obvious he was ashamed of his past behavior. Clay obviously had some bad coping mechanisms at home, so of course, he wouldn't judge.

Clay looked around the room for something that could break the silence, he locked eyes with Georges dresser,

"Can I choose your outfit?" Clay begged, he liked styling others for no reason, in particular, he just enjoyed it.

George giggled, "Go for it, but isn't it Sunday tomorrow?"

"Yeah, just wear it tomorrow, we might do something. Also we should go pick up our phones from the office. It's the weekend!" Clay reminded George enthusiastically,

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