chapter 27

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ikigai • Japanese
~ a reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning.

As soon as the bell rang through the student's ears, George rushed to his dorm, not even thinking about Dream.

The endless possibilities flowed through his brain. He wasn't even sure why he was so excited, not like he would get anything out of it. He shrugged his negative thoughts away and focused on the worthy aspect of it.

Once he reached his dorm, he quickly reached under his mattress for his book. He hoped even prayed to whatever spirit may or may not be above that no one would catch him in the act.

If anyone found this book of his, he wasn't sure how we would react.

Maybe anger would overflow him. Perhaps fear would exceed him? Conceivably both would take him over. But for now, he would focus on getting out of the room as quickly and covertly.

He shoved his school bag to the side and grabbed a tote bag to quickly put some items in. His book, obviously, his phone, a pen, and his headphones. He swiftly put the bag "under his shoulders" and practically jogged to the door.

He walked through the boring, dim, wooden halls, yet it was still comforting to him in some way. It seemed more quiet than usual. He looked around for any sign of human life, but there was none to see.

Weird, he thought to himself. He shrugged it off and continued on his mission to get outside and to his tree.

Eventually, he got to sit down against his tree, looking up at the leaves whisper in the wind before reaching into his tote bag. He pulled out his phone first, then his headphones, and connected them to his phone. Lastly his book and pen, rather hesitate when doing so.

He figured to impress Mr.Slimecicle even more, he would make background music on a website and play it on speakers.

He wouldn't start writing lyrics now, but he liked to plan a bit beforehand so he wouldn't stress it later. He wrote down one song he would make a parody of, the rest he would write from scratch.

Next, he would write about his day.

October 4th

My day has been better than expected.
I wanted to break down at some points but that's a part of life I guess? I'm not completely sure why the idea of writing songs has made me ecstatic, but I'm glad it has. Now I have something to look forward to rather than Dream. Oh shit, I've forgotten about Dream for once, I wonder where he has been all this time. I'm so glad he's in my life. I don't think he cares to know this but he's the one thing keeping me on the face of this earth. The reason I'm still breathing. Each breath goes to Dream. I hope he knows how much I care for him. Hopefully, he knows, I'd be surprised if he didn't. Even if I'm not the best at expressing myself verbally I hope all the small gestures are enough. I hope I'm enough for him.

That's all for now,

He quickly shut his book and stuffed it back inside his bag. Now he would take some time to observe everything around him while listening to music. He opened his main playlist and clicked on his favorite song at the moment; Jobless Monday by Mitski.

He looked up above him at the leaves as the song continued to play through his headphones. He thought of everything thinkable at that moment.

Mainly Dream.

He had a craving to look at his fair skin, to stare into his deep green eyes he craved oh so much. Oh Dream. If only he knew how much George truly loved him.

If only he knew how much George would give up just to have him to himself. To wake up to that bright shining face in the morning, every morning, away from here. Alone together in a faraway rustic mansion in Norway, far in the mountains while they gazed at the northern lights nuzzled up together. But may only his book know how he truly felt.

Soon enough, he would doze off into a relaxed slumber, not so comfortable though.


"George?" He was being shaken awake, he hoped by Dream, but he was met with Mr.Boos face.

He grumbled without realizing, humming in response to Mr.Boo,

"What're you doing out here? It's almost past curfew." He sounded disappointed, George hated disappointing others.

"Sorry, I just.." he couldn't finish his sentence for some odd reason. Mr.Boo stared at him in worry, the real question was why did Mr.Boo seem so concerned?

"How about we stop by my office, ey?" He held out a hand to help George up, George took it gracefully. That's when he quickly noticed he had his phone laying in his lap, falling off of his lap.

He quickly let go of his hand and scattered down on the ground to put his phone in his tote bag. He rushed to put the bag under his shoulder again and look back at Mr.Boo who seemed even more concerned now.

All George could let out was an awkward laugh, Mr.Boo didn't ask any questions, instead, he just smile awkwardly back and started their walk to his office.

(Switching to Dream 3rd person pov)

He shut the door behind him before looking around the hallway for anyone. No one, perfect.

He practically tiptoed back to his room in hopes to find someone there, he doubted Karl nor Sapnap would be there considering it still hadn't hit curfew. So maybe George would be.

He walked quickly but cautiously, being careful not to bump into anyone he wasn't supposed to bump into. Once he had arrived at his destination, he let out a large sigh he had been holding in, for no particular reason.

He put on a bright smile for whatever may be lurking behind the door, hiding everything behind that perfect smile of his.

But all that effort put in for nothing! He groaned to himself. There was no one behind the door for god's sake! It technically is his fault for having to pull all of this, he only had himself to blame.

"Uh, Dream? Are you alright?" George spoke, fiddling with the door handle.


woop i got a chapter out:) this is probably the shortest chapter i've released but i hope that doesn't continue in the future. i have so much ideas for the book and i'm so excited to write them but i don't want everything to go to fast, but it might have to for my mental sake lmao.

anyways make sure you're staying hydrated throughout the day and grab a snack if you haven't today. and even if you can't that's okay, i'm proud of you for staying another day<3 i know you can do it, keep pushing love, you're worth it and so much more. always remember you're never alone, my dms are always open.

have a good rest ur day/night,

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