chapter 16

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TW: Violence, Mention of sexual assault.

Clay looked at George, horrified,

"George!" He ran over to his shaking body, getting on his knees to get to his level. He pushed the hair out of his face.

"Clay." Was the only thing to leave his mouth, besides the quiet sobs that filled the restroom,

"What happen?" Clay eyes were filled with confusion and hurt for the boy,

"This man," he was having a hard time processing his words, "he touched me. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have drunk. I should've listened to you, Clay!" His voice mixed with anger and sorrow.

Clay's heart sank, "George, it wasn't your fault. I promise you." He tried to reassure the boy, but it didn't seem to work.

"Stop lying to yourself, and me."

Clay took a deep breath before replying, "George, you aren't to blame for someone else's action. This shouldn't have happened to you, you don't deserve this. I shouldn't have ever left you in the first place." Clay buried his face in his chest, along with George.

"It wasn't your fault, stop."

"Yes it was, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let us go out so late even, I'm so dumb. I'm sorry." Clay apologized, he felt the most guilty he'd ever felt.

"Stop apologizing, please." George's voice shook,

Dream didn't reply, instead, he held the boy tight for the next minutes to come. Until he had thought about who could've done this to George,


"Hm?" He sniffled, still shaky,

"What'd the man who did this to you look like?" Clay looked directly into George's eyes and wiped a few tears off his cheek. George explained the man, and Clay knew exactly who he was talking about. Clay didn't have a good feeling from the start about the man.

He started to fill up with anger, he wanted to punch the wall, but he sustained his self.

"Come with me, I'm not leaving you here."

George looked up in confusion, but he obeyed and got up slowly, Clay helping him out. Clay grabbed George's wrist this time and led him out back to the neon lights.

It seemed as Clay was looking for someone specific, that's when it hit George. He was close to having a panic attack, but he tried to make it wait until they got out of the club.

As soon as Clay finally found him, George started to shake once again. But Clay did the exact opposite. He punched the man across the face, making him fall to the floor. He continued to punch the man violently on the floor until his knuckles started to bleed,

"Clay!" George pulling him off the man, "Your knuckles." Everyone around them started to back away from the situation.

But Clay continued anyway, the man deserved every bit of pain that George felt, it was even better that no one around was trying to stop him.

"Clay, stop, you're scaring me."

Clay quickly stopped after he heard those words. He looked at the man on the floor, and spit on him before grabbing George's wrist and leading him out.

As soon as they got out of the club and back onto the busy streets, George started to hyperventilate. Clay quickly looked around for somewhere to sit down and help the poor boy. They sat down on a bench nearby,

"Hey, hey, look at me," he pulled George's chin to his view, "it'll be alright, I'm here. Let's take deep breathes together okay?"

George nodded, " 1. deep breathe. 2. deep breathe. 3. deep breathe." Clay repeated until 10. George slowly but surely calmed down,

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