are we too young for this?

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George sat dangling off the edge. This was it. The end of everything. The wind roared in Georges ears, he liked it though.

He would remember that the last thing he heard was the roaring of the wind. It was peaceful, just how George intended it to be. He didn't want it all to come to a halt somewhere chaotic.

That wasn't who George was. Not anymore atleast. Nine months ago he'd want everything to be chaotic. And as stupid as it sounds, that was the only form of stability of his life.

Knowing he would wake up to have a chaotic yet fun day was just how he liked it. Now he wasn't so sure. He wished he didn't feel the need to change, maybe then things would've been different.

He looked at the view below him. The tree he would regularly sit at was grown with green leaves again. The sky full of storm clouds, just like how he grew to like it. He took in the smell that the clouds created.

His nostrils filled with the smell of soon to come rain. He shut his eyes for a few seconds, letting his eyelids fall tired the more he kept them shut.

All of this was to build up the courage to just do it. Everything has to come to an end after all, right? Now was the time.

His eyes were wet with tears even with the wind howling. His sobs were unescapable, he felt if he didn't jump, it wouldn't have stopped.

As he slowly began to slide himself off, the world went quiet. All he could hear was his heavy breathing.

Suddenly, tight arms wrapped around his arms. Sound was brought back to George's ears, he could hear another set of cries.

"Fuck, George!" A voice said raspy. Only disappointment rose within George, he failed again. He felt like a fucking failure. How could he let this happen.

"Let go of me you fucker! Fucking kill me!" George squirmed as much as he could in attempts to break apart the arms around him.

The pair of arms pulled him away from the edge, falling on the ground with George. George looked up with utter and complete hurt to see who had grabbed him.

"Please," George sobbed. "I can't take this anymore, let me die," George calmed down in Dream's arms. However, Dream didn't respond. He didn't want to worsen the moment for George.

So he let him cry in his lap while tears stained his shirt. He tried to keep it together for George, it was difficult though.

Suddenly Karl and Sapnap bursted through the doors. The sky had darkened a bit now, they were just visible enough to see.

"George!" Sapnap yelped for his bestfriend. Panic and worry laced his words. It kind of made George feel like shit.

"You should've let me jump, Dream, it would've been easier for all us!"

Sapnap and Karl both fell to the ground and hugged George. All together in a circle they bawled their eyes out. Dream sat to the side though, he didn't want to anger anyone.

"Fuck, George, please don't leave us. Please." Sapnap started.

"You scared me so much, George," and Karl finished for him.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't know what I would've done without you."

"I'm sorry," George repeated.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Sapnap looked up at George.

"Because I made you guys deal with more than I could've imagined, I've been so selfish. I only thought about myself. I'm such a bad friend."

"Oh, George," Sapnap wiped the tears off of his face. "I'm just glad you're alive, that's all that matters to me. What were you thinking?"

"I just thought you'd all be better without me. Don't lie to me and say you haven't suffered because of me."

"You cant control how you feel George. I wouldn't be able to function without my stupid brother," Sapnap replied in hopes of cheering him up.

George smiled back, though he kept his mouth shut. He just nuzzled his face into Sapnaps neck, hugging him tightly.

The moment broke apart when sudden cries were heard. Everyone's head turned to see Dream, knees pulled up to his chest, crying.

Sapnap suddenly got up to hug him aswell. "Thank you so much for saving him. How can I thank you enough."

Dream shrugged, not knowing what to say. He now felt like it was turn to feel like he ruined everything. That he caused this. He was the reason for all of this hurt and worry and panic. It was all his fault.

"It's not your fault, Dream." George said.

"Yes it fucking is,don't lie to me!" Dream hated when he screamed, he always felt guilty after doing it. He knew it affected the ones around him yet he still did it.

It all came to the realization that they were all drowning. And no one knew how to save each other. But knowing they were all drowning together, helped a little bit.


Eventually, their absence was noticed and taken care of. Security guards took all of them down to Mr.Boos office and it was sorted it out then. Parents were called, some answered and of course Georges didn't.

And because George was 18, he had choices. So he picked the best one for him. He decided he would meet up with someone to discharge himself to a mental health hospital as soon as possible.

He knew he would miss his graduation, but they said they would arrange something there. Details were very faint right now.

He wasn't sure how long he would be staying, but he got to packing as soon as possible. He said his goodbyes and promised to call everyone from the hospital everyday.

"Try and get better for me, take care of yourself you three," George was having his final words with each of the three.

He didn't know how he felt about Dream, but he learnt his situation and did feel bad. Dream had also had his parents discharge him as he was not in a good mental space to be at the school.

Karl and Sapnap said they could manage here. They had each other if they needed anything and wouldn't think twice about discharging theirselves.

Dream decided he didn't want to keep contact with George incase he hurt him again. So he knew after he was sent "home" he would start his life over. He wasn't sure where George stood, but he knew it was good for him as well.

He just hoped they wouldn't forget each other.

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