Part 3

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Back at Hogwarts, Severus Snape was just collecting a sample of the exploded potion that was left in the cauldron. He also asked what Ron had put in to cause the explosion in the first place.

"That is the stupidest thing that you have done Mr. Weasley. You could have killed them all and your classmates too." Severus shouted at the cowering boy who was stood at the doorway which was warded shut so that he couldn't escape.

Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall entered the potions classroom to see Ron stood at the doorway and Severus checking as to what stage that Harry, Draco and Hermione were at with the potion.

"Severus what has happened?" Albus asked his adopted son.

"Mr. Weasley decided to dump belladonna into a cauldron that was at stage 4 of brewing the Draught of Living Death. When I cleared the fumes away from the explosion, it revealed that Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter and Miss Granger have disappeared." Severus explained to the Headmaster.

"This is very serious Mr. Weasley. Go to my office and await there so that we can discuss your punishment." Albus told the boy.

Ron ran out of the classroom and headed to the gargoyle protecting the Headmaster's office.

"So, Severus, will you be able to bring them back?" Minerva asked the Potions Master.

"I think I can, but it will be hard. I will have devoted most of my time trying to brew a potion so that we can all get back, or some sort of charm." Severus replied as he gathered up all the samples that he could get of the potion.

"I will need to recheck and double check as to if they had just reached stage 4 of the potion, plus to find out how much belladonna that the Weasley Idiot has put in."

"I will bring Professor Slughorn out of retirement so that you can try and bring home the three students." Albus mentioned.

"Albus, I will say this though. They haven't travelled back into time; they have gone to another dimension. Just to mention that it might be a little dangerous trying to get us all home."

"Do your best my boy. I have faith in you."

Albus and Minerva walked out of the potions classroom and headed up to the gargoyle to see that Ron Weasley was still shouting out different passwords.

"Jelly Tots." Albus said to the gargoyle.

"Now then down to business. Mr. Weasley you could have endangered all your classmates including your own sister that was sat at the side of you during the class. How could you be some daft. You are a Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall stared at the boy as he looked down at his hands.

"I'm so sorry Professor." Ron didn't look up.

"Sorry is not going to work this time Mr. Weasley. Professor Snape is going to have his work cut out trying to bring the three missing classmates back home. They haven't gone back in time; they have dimensioned jumped. It's going to very risky in trying this. So, for your punishment, you will be suspended up till the Christmas holidays and then you will return with all your completed class work that will be owled to you at the Burrow.

You will then have detention with Professor McGonagall and Mr. Flitch on alternate days. Also, you will be stripped of your Quidditch Captaincy and banned from playing for the rest of the school year. Plus, no Hogsmeade trips either. On the Hogsmeade trips you will be with your Head of House doing your school-work." The Headmaster had told him.

Blaise Zabini had knocked on the door and walked in.

"The Head Boy, Mr. Zabini will escort you back to Gryffindor Tower and enter your dorm with you to make sure that you pack up your trunk and then escort you back here so that you can be sent home. Your mother should be here by the time you arrive back to my office. Mr. Zabini if you would do the honors."

"Yes sir, Professor McGonagall. Come along now Mr. Weasley, no dawdling now." Blaise pushed Ron out of the Headmaster's office and headed to the Tower.

"The Burrow. Molly, are you there? Could you spare some time to come to Hogwarts? We need to talk."

Severus was in his private lab trying to detect as to if the potion that his lover and her two friends were brewing was actually at stage 4.

"Right so they were just about there, so let's find out how much belladonna the ginger twit put in."

The results were in. He couldn't believe how much belladonna had caused that explosion.

"5mg of belladonna that had shrivelfig juice mixed in with it. Now I just need to find a way of getting them home, because I now know that there is not potion that will bring them back or take me to them." Severus talked to himself.

"Not talking to yourself again are you Severus, my brother."

Severus turned to see his best friend; Lucius Abraxas Malfoy stood in the doorway.

"Sorry Lucius, I have to find a way to bring them all back home."

"Bring who home?" Lucius walked in to see what Severus was doing.

"Belladonna with shrivellfig juice mixed. That is one hell of a potent mix." Lucius looked up into Severus's eyes.

"Yes, especially if it was put into a potion that was only at stage 4."

"What potion were they making?"

"Draught of Living Death."

"A very lethal mix. So, what happened then?" Lucius asked.

"Three students got covered in the potion and they have been sent into another dimension. NOT back in time." Severus explained to his brother in all but blood.

"Oh right, so you are working on bringing them back, Ok I will leave you to it then. Where is Draco? I need to speak to him about something."

Severus looked away from Lucius.

"Luc, your son his lover and mine were the ones that were sent to the other dimension."

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