Part 9

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"Harry Evans?" A Doctor shouted out into the main waiting area of the A&E department.

"Yes, I'm Harry Evans." Harry got up and walked towards the Doctor.

"I'm Dr Nathaniel Harrison. I'm the consultant that has been looking after your friend Hermione Watson. She's out of surgery but not out of danger. She went into cardiac arrest on the surgery table; we managed to get her heart beating again and managed to sort out the damage that was done to her lower abdomen. But we are now just hoping that she will wake up. She's in a coma up in the ICU." Dr Harrison explained to Harry.

"She's already given up on life." Harry murmured to himself. Tears started pouring down from his emerald eyes.

"I can take you up there if you like. They say that talking to the coma patient can help them come out."

"Yes, could you also send my friends up please? They are on their way from a press release so you may have to handle with the press." Harry mentioned to Dr Harrison.

"I will ask security to keep the press off the premises. Now let me take you to the ICU."

"Hi, we're here to see our friend Hermione Watson." Dan asked at the A&E reception.

The receptionist just looked up to see Daniel Radcliffe with Tom Felton at the side of him asking for some random girl. Her mouth dropped open wide.

Dan and Tom looked at each other then back at the receptionist.

"Hello?" Tom waved her hand in front of the receptionist's face.

Dr Harrison had just come back from escorting Harry up to see his friend. He then spotted Dan and Tom with some other guy with a hat on looking around the place.

"Excuse me, but are you asking for Hermione Watson?" Dr Harrison asked.

"Yes, we are how is she?" Dan asked the Doctor.

"She's in the ICU. There were complications during the surgery. Please I will escort you up to see her." Dr Harrison headed up to the ICU for the second time that day.

Harry sat in the armchair that was at the side of Hermione. He held her hand and stroked the back of it.

"Please Hermione come back to us. Me and Draco need you and we can't live without you." Harry told the unresponsive woman.

Dr Harrison knocked on the door lightly and opened the door to let Tom, Dan and Draco in to see how she was.

"I will come back later to check up on her progress." Dr Harrison pulled the door too and left them to it.

Draco sat on the edge of the bed as Tom and Dan sat on the opposite side to Harry.

"I hate seeing her like this Dray. Not knowing if she will ever wake up." Harry tried not to cry in front of his mate and friends.

"Hermione won't give up on us Harry. She will live on." Dray grabbed Harry's hand to comfort him.

"She's given up Dray I know that she has. She went into cardiac arrest on the theatre table whilst trying to stop the bleeding from the wound! She knew what she was doing Dray and Severus and Alan are involved." Harry's wild magic was reacting to his emotional anger that he held for Severus.

Tom and Dan got up and backed off into a corner so they wouldn't get hit.

"Harry please calm down." Tom mentioned as he saw that Hermione's heartbeat was going up as the monitor showed.

"HARRY YOU ARE AFFECTING HERMIONE!" Dan shouted at his counterpart.

Harry looked at the heart monitor and then willed his magic to stop.

Hermione's heartbeat settled down to a steady rhythm again.

Back at Dan's apartment, Severus had fallen asleep in the leather recliner. Emma had wrapped a blanket around the dark man and headed out of the front door and whistled down a taxi.

"St James's A&E please."

"Hi, could you tell me where Hermione Watson is please?" Emma pulled her hat that she had found at Dan's apartment down over her eyes.

"Yes, you are the fourth person to ask for her. She on Floor 9, ICU room 917." The receptionist told her.

"Thank you."

Emma had reached room 917. She was a little nervous to go into the room to see what she was facing.

A nurse came up to her.

"You here to see Hermione Watson? Popular girl is that one. Four gorgeous males have been with her since she arrived on the unit. I hope that she will pull out of the coma that she is in. She is one special girl she is." The nurse told her.

"Yeah, my mates Tom and Dan are in there with her. I have only seen her like once since last year. They see her most of the time." Emma lied.

"Well, I will leave you to it." The nurse walked away to attend to some other patients that were on the ward.

Emma plucked up the courage and knocked on the door.

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